

I also (perhaps unfairly) kept comparing Scott Pilgrim to the books, which may be why I'm so indifferent towards the film. From a visual standpoint it's great, but I was ultimately let down by how much story was left out. Movie Scott lacked the depth that 6 graphic novels allowed book Scott to have. The movie was a

Though I do agree that the soundtrack is really good!

I thought "Scott Pilgrim"'s inclusion among the top 20 was really weird.

Jeez, Americans can relate with all sorts of non-human characters in film and television – aliens, robots, mutants, dogs, vampires, elves, cats – but as soon as a non-white human shows up in a lead role, the bigots whine about how they can’t identify with someone who doesn’t look like them.

Although I didn't like all of the characters, I can't say that I had a "favourite" one of those I did like, either. The characters I did like felt so real, so nuanced, so earnest, so believable as human beings, that slapping the label of "favourite" onto any of them feels superficial to me.

I was hoping that MTV's Downtown would pop up in the honourable mentions, at least.

I should. I saw Mr. Vincent's off-Broadway production, "The Bobbi Glass Menagerie" last spring and loved it.

Popular's Mary Cherry wrote a pilot?!

I guess this is the kind of film one needs to have grown up with to really enjoy. I'm a huge animated movie nut, and I only got around to watching Unicorn for the first time 2 years ago when I was 26. I can't remember the last time I had been so bored by a film. I really wanted to love it, too.


Zeb's characterization is just…odd. I went into the show thinking he'd be sort of a grouchy old geezer, but he acts so young and goofy. I wish he'd be more of a cantankerous uncle type who's got a secret soft spot for Ezra despite being exasperated by him, rather than the "big bro".

I freaking love Hera.

Right? It feels crappy. It's not that I'd want my room preserved like some walk-in museum, but I guess it bothered me so much because my mom has never believed in boundaries of any sort. You were never allowed to close your doors if you wanted privacy, because closed doors meant you were doing something "bad". But

I kind of envy people who do have childhood rooms at their parents'. I moved out of my mom's 3 years ago, and almost as soon as I was out the door, my room was converted into a room for my nephew when he stays with her. Once in a while when I spend the night at her place, she insists that I sleep there, but I can't.

I don't know about all of you, but I'm thrilled to finally see straight white dudes in Hollywood get the recognition they deserve!

Hey, sure! You can reach me at n.m.shewch@gmail.com.

I really got into thirtysomething after GoT ended for the season. Also got hooked on the music of Shinobi Ninja.

Aw, the week I decide to stop watching the show, it finally picks up?

The opening scene reminded me of the time my dad took us to HIS favourite Chinese buffet for New Year's Eve. Food was served in disposable aluminum trays on those folding tables that you find in church halls, the ones that'll chop your fingers off if you're not careful. The names of the food in each tray were written