
Focusing solely on the Ghost crew right now gives us some perspective as to how much power the Empire has, how alone the gang really is and what they're up against. I have confidence that the recurring characters will come eventually. At the moment we need to establish who these characters are because they're all

I'm way more interested in seeing Alfred teach Baby Batman about Fight Club.

This, "Monster in the Mirror", "Caribbean Amphibian", and "Do-op Hop" were my favourite SS songs.

I think that this episode did a great job of bridging old Winston (seasons 1/2) with new Winston (seasons 3/-). I was rewatching some older episodes last month, and I realized what a 180 the writers did on Winston. He went from a beleaguered straight man to straight up WEIRD in more recent episodes. And while I love

Coach's scene with the kids made me laugh just as hard as it did when it happened in Black-ish a few weeks ago. Inadvertently predatory-sounding propositions on TV will never stop being funny to me.

Oh, I just figured that she was one of those ladies who calls everyone "love".

I totally missed that Kanan and Hera were a couple. I just figured they were best friends. When was their relationship status addressed?

I have a feeling that that's exactly the kind of parent I'm going to be when I have my own little doomspawn.

This show is just too cute. Even the lines that I don't find laugh out loud funny manage to make me smile, just because the show is so endearing. When jokes are made at another character's expense, they're never mean-spirited. There's always the sense that everyone actually loves each other. Also also also CHARLIE.

I desperately want to see a tv show about Kamala Khan. But hells yeah Black Panther!

The one thing the show has going for it is its look. I was really admiring the use of different coloured light, this week. Very graphic-looking. The rest is such a bore, though.

That's also how some of the Korean kids I tutor are punished. Guess that's how it's done in China?

I do feel that the kids overact a bit, personally. The kid who plays Junior especially can be a little over the top with his readings and gestures, but I overlook that because a) they're kids, and b) they're just so endearing and likeable in their own ways. Also, Junior is the neurotic nerd of the clan, so it's

Also loved Andre's co-worker's comment about Jack: "He's our favourite!" It was just so plaintive.

I actually much preferred this episode to last week's. I just can't help but smile whenever the kids are on screen. They're so darn cute! I have a friend with a younger brother who was a dead ringer for Jack when he was younger, big eyes and afro and all. Super precocious, too.

I'm 99% sure the show's already been renewed for a second season.

Best and also worst? I thought, "As a white lady, I feel uncomfortable for finding that line funny…"

She had crazy hair, a southern accent, fangs, and a katana. What's not to love?

I idolized all of the ladies on that show, but my main homegirl was Mouse.