
Got nothing of substance to add - I just LOVE this movie. I was so happy when I heard that Boyega was cast in TFA. I'm so glad his star's on the rise. Plus he seems like such a lovely and charming guy.

Finally caught up with the show and finished season 4 during the holidays! I saw an article somewhere a few months ago stating that this would be the final season, but since I can't seem to find anything else verifying that claim, I'm assuming the information was false?

From an artistic standpoint, it'd be better if the film was in Spanish.
But 1. because it's primarily for an English-speaking (i.e. western) audience, and 2. for the sake of having the film "travel", it makes sense that ultimately, the characters speak English.

Oh, the flora-as-genitalia imagery is strong in that movie for sure! Remember how just prior to the cactus dance, Donald has his head stuck in a pink flower? If that's not a euphemism for cunnilingus, I don't know what is.

There's also a scene in "Babar: the movie" that weirdly, never bothered me as a kid, but made me so uncomfortable when I re-watched the film last year. Upon arriving at Celeste's village, young Babar discovers that the rhino army has invaded, is burning the homes down, and abducting the mother elephants, strangling

My friend and I included Cabelleros as part of our New Year's Eve Disney movie marathon a few years ago. I'd summarized it as, "Like Fantasia with Mexican stereotypes," and by the time we got to the dancing cactuses at the end, she was like, "THE F*** DID YOU MAKE ME WATCH?!"

No mention of the scene where Maleficent lures Aurora to the spinning wheel in "Sleeping Beauty"? That scene haunted me until I was in my teens. From Mal's eyes appearing in the fireplace, to the dead-eyed trance she puts Aurora in, to the oboe (?) music…everything about that scene is creepy.

"What is your malfunction?" (Homestar Runner) - I use it instead of the standard "What's your problem?", or another phrase of that nature

My introduction to the world of superheroes came from watching reruns of the 1960s Batman series before I even started kindergarten, so Batgirl was obviously the first lady superhero I got to know in that amazing purple outfit. Growing up a shy and reclusive tomboy (minus any aptitude for sports), I wanted to emulate

"This is Spinal Tap" - when the band's performing "Stonehenge", and the tiny replica of a standing stone is lowered slowly from the ceiling onto the stage behind Nigel. Gets me howling every single time.

Yeah, as a cat lover, I can't bring myself to watch that film again.

Haha, ditto!

Even though I've never been a fan of the film, "All Dogs Go To Heaven" destroyed me as a child. What's weird is that I'd seen films prior to that which dealt with death, but something about Charlie needing to leave Anne-Marie really cemented the permanence of death to me. Maybe because it was probably the first

It's always darkest before the dawn, after all. It might take some time, but I know I will, one way or another. :)

This is so sweet. I went to see Inside Out with one of my best friends (we're 28 and have been friends since the age of 4) the day after it was released, and it was exactly what we both needed to see.

We-ell, the movies, provided the content of the stories themselves aren't offensive, would require some retooling besides casting, of course.

I find the headline pretty presumptuous…"improve" it with CGI?

"The Neverending Story" is one of my favourite films, but I'd love to see a faithful adaptation of the entire book done over the course of several movies.

I'd like to see any classic films starring white actors in non-white roles remade with people of colour in said roles.

Oh, haven't you heard?