
Say wut.

That's true, but it's understandable considering both jackals and hyenas live in Africa, so it would have made sense to name the siblings after pack animals that live in the same part of the world. It also suits the sister, as it's a feminine-sounding name. Hyena packs are also matriarchal, so it fits with the

Demona's final shriek as she glides off into the night at the end of "Temptation" is so haunting.

AV Club is covering Gargoyles, WHUT! I'm super psyched for this. I hope you do season 2, because I LOVE the "City of Stone" episodes.

Just wanna say your Kid Vid avatar made my evening. Brilliant!

No mention of Charlie Day in "Pacific Rim"?

I've actually not seen Orphan Black, so I'm not sure, but I feel you could be right.

Uh, Scott Pilgrim I guess? I wasn't crazy about the film, but the fact that it was actually SET in Toronto, not Toronto-thinly-disguised-as-American-city made me happy. I LOVE the books, though.

Back in university, I had an idea for a musical about Luisa Casati featuring Lady Gaga's songs.

Right? That's what confused me. I guess it's supposed to be ironic?

I'm a huge animal nut, but I didn't find this scene that sad. I guess the fact that these dragons are the "nicer" ones made it tough for viewers. Maybe if the show had featured more scenes of tenderness between Dany and her babies I would have felt more during this scene. We mostly just saw the dragons fighting with

Ser Pounce indeed! When is the "Pets of Westeros" cartoon, starring him, the Stark direwolves, and Dany's dragons going to make its debut on the inevitable HBO Kids morning block?

I didn't have much of a problem with the scene as portrayed in the series, really. I believe that much of the brouhaha over the scene stems from the fact that rapists on TV and in film tend to be, for the most part, extremely reprehensible characters without a shot at redemption, and we're not supposed to like them AT

What an icon.

"Now we so happy, we do the Dance of Joy!"

That's true. They could do a movie about the kids who disappeared between the first and second film.

Man, this is sad. I was just reminiscing about Spot (which I haven't thought about in YEARS) the other day.

And then they could work in the ducks from the animated series to tie the universes together!

D2 was ridiculous. I loved how easily the kids beat the Canadian hockey team, but the one that gave them a real challenge (before Iceland's) was the team from Trinidad and Tobago.

Watch it all be slave Leia stuff, though.