
And when the roosters are crowing and the cows are spinning circles in the pasture.

If it addresses why Jesse disappeared right after the Ducks won the Junior Goodwill Games, I'd be totally down.

Okay, between this, Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver, and John Boyega, I've gone from thinking, "Holy Yoda, WHY?!" to "shit done just got interesting…".

Returning to this article yet again, but I forgot to mention The Last Unicorn. I watched it over the Christmas holidays and I HATED it, which made me so sad, because I wanted to love it. I thought the voice acting was dreadful, and I didn't buy into the whole "love story" between the unicorn and the prince.

Labyrinth. It probably doesn't help that I first saw it in my mid-20s, as I think it's a movie you need to have grown up with to truly appreciate, but yeah. Did nothing for me. I wasn't taken with The Princess Bride, either.

That's the thing! I'm definitely no prude, but I think it's sad that many of the most successful female comedians are the ones whose shticks consist of being mean-spirited and vulgar.

I hated Kelly Oxford's "Everything is Perfect When You're a Liar". I was so excited to read her book, hearing comments from pretty reputable sources about how she's like the female David Sedaris, but only a few pages in I could not figure out why people were praising her. I hate-read that book. It was obnoxious and

Aw, thanks! Talkatoo Cockatoo was a childhood idol of mine.

Freakazoid was WB, no? I never watched Freakazoid because I thought it looked stupid (I know better now), but I didn't mind the streamlined look of some of the WB toons.

Though I will add that LSP is amazing, and I can do a spot on impression of her that will not help me get a boyfriend anytime soon.

Nickelodeon cartoons. I understand why they're important and why a lot of them deserve the praise they get, but at the risk of sounding like a bitch, I just think they're ugly. I find SpongeBob SquarePants's palette especially nauseating.


Mushu's size seems off. He seemed pretty small in "Mulan".

Personally, I'd much rather see a "Perfect Strangers" spinoff featuring Balki and Larry's sons as young adults in Chicago. I mean that sincerely.

I feel ya. I generally put BMW on as background noise if nothing else was on. I've always been a little indifferent towards it, myself. But I do understand the ardent devotion to the show that a lot of Gen Y-ers have. There's an insightful Memory Wipe article about BMW here that may shed some light on the love a lot

Cory and Topanga still look like kids.

David Sedaris and Jeffrey Eugenides.

But her extensions pale in comparison to Manny's blonde hair and eyebrows from season 7.

Ellie. She never dated Spinner, though. Ashley barely spoke to Marco, and she tolerated Spinner at best.

Wheels was such an interesting character because nothing good ever happened to him. He was so tragic. Now the show tends to give each character (unless they've been blackholed or killed to serve a storytelling purpose) a happy sendoff from high school, some sort of positive closure. Wheels ended up in friggin' JAIL.