
I agree, that's a great scene for her. I wish there had been more of that kind of thing in this one.

And it's official: PETER CAPALDI. Great choice. I'm looking forward to this.

I believe "The Ice Warriors" is getting the finished-with-animation treatment soon.

I've been so harsh on Saward every time I write about his era, I tried to tone that down a little this time.

I didn't say he was a *good* visionary…

You're probably right, but maybe they used the Nerva station for the cryogenic plan because it was already built. "Revenge Of The Cybermen," the last story of season 12, also takes place on Nerva, but at an earlier point in its history.

That's a great point. And it's worth noting that the Doctor is alone when he gives the "indomitable" speech. He's not showboating to anybody. He's just talking to himself.

Needlepointed, even.

Yep. IIRC, it's even implied to be the same solar-flare incident as in this story.

Inferno's a sure thing, since I have a review copy of the new DVD in my "to be reviewed" stack.

When I was a kid, I had a vague idea that growing up and being married was going be something like "The Good Life," not in the sense of having a chicken coop in the back yard, but that it would be like Tom and Barbara Good's relationship. Happily, that wasn't far wrong.

To be fair to the Time Lords, they make him watch *Eric Saward-era* Doctor Who for three months.

Wait, are you saying an 18-year-old Anna Torv as a companion would be a *bad* thing?

Next week! It's hard to believe it's happening so quickly.

Ach - yes, should be "Keff." I blame autocorrect.

Oops - my bad. John Hallett was actually the policeman in the last scene. I'll fix.

It's really meant as a blanket statement about the new series as a whole, Davies included. The ending of "Family Of Blood" was particularly nauseating for me in that respect. But yeah, I completely agree that "Doctor as mercurial wizard" is a big part of the show. It's just that Davies and Moffatt so often take that

The new DVD has all the extant footage, as well as the webcast version with the Eighth Doctor. I plan to review them both, as a package tour.