
No, never found tickets! I hope the idea of a new album comes through, in part because it'll mean more concerts.

Sorry for the erratic schedule. I was in a three-way race with a glacier and a Galapagos tortoise to finish writing about Doctor Who, and lost. Stones of Blood will publish in the October slot, and bumps the other announced reviews back too.

Excellent! Thanks for the contribution.


I think you're right, but Hinchcliffe was definitely on board with the gothic stuff even if Holmes was the driver behind it.

Absolutely. I meant to give Colin Douglas' great acting work here another paragraph and ran out of time, but he's really chilling here once the Rutan starts attacking the humans in earnest.

Interesting point. I'd never considered the line that way, but your reading makes sense.

I'm thinking about treating the Key To Time season the same way as the
Trial season - I've already done the first Key story, but the others
seem like good candidates for an every-other-article approach.

And my thanks to all you folks as well! Catching up with what you guys have to say after the articles post is one of the best things about doing this. Happy holidays.

That sounds delightful no matter who might be regenerating.

I wrote that line while I was looking in my mirror.

Probably not Ace, since it would be (I assume) an Eighth Doctor companion.

The easiest way to do that is to click on my byline at the top of the article, which takes you to this page: http://www.avclub.com/autho…. That gives a list of all the articles I've written for the A.V. Club, so you can just go back through the list chronologically and start from there, skipping non-Doctor Who stuff.

Thanks for pointing this out. I don't know if this is something the design/tech folks know about already, but I'll ask about it.

"Sting of the Zygons" explains a lot about his post-Police career.

Haven't quite decided, but it makes sense to write about all four in
order. But probably alternating with other stuff in between, because who
wants to watch nothing but "Trial Of A Time Lord" for four articles in a row? Not

I'm reasonably sure that's not a Doctor Who story you're thinking of. There's quite a few set in Victorian times, but I don't recall any that feature a black rose that causes death.

I'd trade "Reign Of Terror" for "Power Of The Daleks" in two heartbeats.

My mistake - thanks for the correction. I'll fix it above.

Is Lou Diamond Phillips still alive?