"In his review of The Dalek Invasion of Earth, Christopher says that
the Doctor never comes back for Susan, but I'd like to ask how he can be
so sure."
"In his review of The Dalek Invasion of Earth, Christopher says that
the Doctor never comes back for Susan, but I'd like to ask how he can be
so sure."
It's briefly discussed early in the first episode:
Good point; I wasn't looking closely enough at the text, and missed that. I'll change the paragraph when I have a moment.
Fixed! Thanks for the catch.
The screenshot of the alien that appears in the article looked pretty good to me in the episode itself, but now that it's just a still shot, it's much easier to see that the "energy screen" or whatever that it's standing behind is actually just a Venetian blind.
I think also Pertwee wanted very much not to be clownish because he had done so much silly comedy in the past, especially in the Carry On films, so he chose to play his Doctor as arrogant and serious even when a lighter way to say a line was open to him. It's not always such a great approach, to my mind, since it…
It's taken off of a publicity still from one of the DVD extras. There were surprisingly few good screenshottable moments of the astronauts in the story itself.
And they both played the decrepit Master - it's like a De Sade story!
I kept thinking as those credits kept coming back, that I'd love to host a live screening of the episode and encourage the audience to scream every time "OF DEATH" appears.
Just a typo, sadly. Though if I wanted to follow through and make a meta-joke out of it, I'd tell you it was a typo early in the review, then try to pretend there were other possible reasons for misspelling M. Night's name for 80% of the rest of the article before just admitting that it was really just a typo.
Oops - thanks. Just fixed it.
You're right - thanks. Fixed!
You're right - thanks. Fixed!
Thanks for the correction - fixed!
Thanks for the correction - fixed!
Yeah, it's because the page was created with that episode as its title - just an artifact of our publishing system.
Yeah, it's because the page was created with that episode as its title - just an artifact of our publishing system.
Heh. Dammit! I don't think I've ever spelled his name right on the first try. I'll correct it.
Heh. Dammit! I don't think I've ever spelled his name right on the first try. I'll correct it.
The only reason I hesitate is that I don't want to run out of Bob Holmes to write up.