
Well, two of the multi-Doctor stories were anniversary shows, to celebrate the 10th and 20th seasons respectively. And next year is the 50th anniversary of the series debut, so who knows…

That one's up next: "Seeds Of Doom."

That one's up next: "Seeds Of Doom."

If you believe Robert Holmes (and why wouldn't you?) that the Time Lords always knew exactly where the Doctor was and were directing his travels, then there's a pretty solid argument that the Time War goes back all the way to "The Daleks" itself, and probably even further, since even if the Doctor hadn't met the

If you believe Robert Holmes (and why wouldn't you?) that the Time Lords always knew exactly where the Doctor was and were directing his travels, then there's a pretty solid argument that the Time War goes back all the way to "The Daleks" itself, and probably even further, since even if the Doctor hadn't met the

Technical difficulties.

Technical difficulties.

Prole Hole, we're both right, sort of:

Prole Hole, we're both right, sort of:

Ah, awesome.

Ah, awesome.

I should have said more about the direction, you're right. Graeme Harper does a good job with what he's got.

I should have said more about the direction, you're right. Graeme Harper does a good job with what he's got.

>  The scene in Earthshock where the CyberLeader
> basically (albeit
temporarily) breaks the Doctor's will
> by threatening Tegan's life would
never have worked
> with the Fourth Doctor.



You've fallen into my trap to increase pageviews! Yeah, that's what happened…

You've fallen into my trap to increase pageviews! Yeah, that's what happened…

I think "The Romans" will probably be the next Hartnell episode I add to the lineup, and I'm looking forward to it because it's one of the few I haven't seen yet. And Tom and I usually agree on which episodes we like, so I'm hoping for something good.

I think "The Romans" will probably be the next Hartnell episode I add to the lineup, and I'm looking forward to it because it's one of the few I haven't seen yet. And Tom and I usually agree on which episodes we like, so I'm hoping for something good.