It's really more of an azure.
It's really more of an azure.
Thanks for the reminder - I'd thought about including that one but forgot about it as I was putting this together. Maybe I'll add that to the end of the post later when I have time. That appearance was my first time seeing him too.
Damn you for repeating your own joke in public before I had a chance to do it!
The things we do for work around here
Nathan, in an email to me while we were figuring out the schedule for posting today's blogs:
> Also, the links to
> Harvard aren't working.
Well, yes and no. You'll see on Thursday.
horrific, right
> Having aged past her reproductive year,
> she's forced to undergo a horrific rite of
> passage that may be nothing more than a
> hoax.
Argh - you're right. I'll fix that.
I have a copy of Blues People somewhere that I bought for one of my college classes - I'll have to try to find it. Thanks for the other book recommendations, everyone.
Bukka's coming up very soon, maybe next week.
> What about Wasp Girl
Yeah, I don't get that one either. Bring on Dr. Strange, I say.
I'll see what I can find!
He's doing well as a painter these days and has little interest in music. Here's a clip from an interview I did with him two years ago:
OK, that didn't work…
Sorry, I didn't realize the images would cut off in the middle! I'll put up smaller versions momentarily.
Adams had a larger-than-usual amount of input into "City Of Death," and rewrote the original script extensively. A lot of the ideas in the show also got recycled in his first "Dirk Gently" novel, which I doubt he could have gotten away with if the ideas weren't acknowledged as his own.
> I hear Baker was actually quite
> good on the audio episodes.
Not dissing McCoy, just the quality of the writing and production values during his time on the show, which certainly wasn't his fault. I like his take on the character quite a bit, and I even think Colin Baker's "crazy, irritable Doctor with horrible taste" was a potentially interesting idea that just wasn't carried…
I wrote a Permanent Records entry for "I Often Dream Of Trains" back in April.
So THAT's what that sounds like.