
When Cersei said "You love him" to her, Brienne's expression change was so perfect — it's like it hadn't occurred to her before Cersei said it, and the knowledge just kind of detonates inside her.

I was actually expecting Shae's head to be revealed in the center of that giant "pie" since Joff was so insistent that Tyrion return to his side as cupbearer. Kinda glad that didn't happen, though I don't see things ending well for Shae.

I thought the voice belonged to "the Crow beyond the Wall" — Bran's been assuming that he's supposed to find Jon Snow, but we never found out what happened to Ned's brother, Benjen (sp?) Stark and we know Jon Snow is at Castle Black, soooo . . .

Stopped on a dime!

Maybe his plan is to LET the show catch up to him so that the showrunners have to write the rest and save him the trouble.

Would love to see a Rick-and-Morty-style parody of True Detective, actually. Rust and Marty! Hell, that show probably comes on right after Ball Fondlers.

An Elizabeth-and-June team-up? Would watch. They could do it a la The Zeppo, only giving glimpses of a case that would normally be the A story.

If I hadn't already been certain that Rebecca has been up to something, I would have handwaved the glasses thing as being TV, aka "Our viewers won't recognize her with her mouth covered AND her glasses off." The bigger giveaway was when she was "let go" — light spills on her, implying that a door has been opened, but

In a future ep, Shaw could wear a Captain Hammer t-shirt . . .

So like a Thor/MCU version of The Zeppo? Could be fun. Actually, isn't that what this show was supposed to be?

As long as Zathrus shows up to be his sidekick before they travel to the past, I'm down.

Don't stop now —

Agreed. I particularly liked they seemed to dangle the possibility that Carter would call her ex to help her out with her mission, but then it turned out that the guy had progressed so well that he was now the safest guardian for her son. In an episode so full of doom/gloom and scorched-earth-to-come, it was a nice

Skye is pretty clearly a defanged (figuratively) Faith.

Hmm, "Knock-off Suit" now seems prescient.
I know, I know, too soon.

I feel like this season is gonna end with Neal back in prison (and willingly so, out of guilt), Hagen dead, Mozzie on the lam (call him mint jelly!), and Peter somehow demoted but not fired or in prison.

I kind of thought the abuptness was the point. They were still building Siegel's character, and he was riding that line of being wary of Neal while still giving him some rooom to make decisions. Siegel had a . . . contemplative expression when Peter pulled Neal aside to apologize in the middle of the interrogation

I was expecting Chapter 13 of the Codex to either be an artifact of the non-paper variety (which would have thrown off the weight of the book had it been removed and replaced with actual paper) OR for the paper itself to be what was of value, not what was written on it. First possibility already disproved; remains to

Protection and proliferation may be apt words for what the Machine seems to be trying to do (expand the number of its helpers), but the word Root used when telling escapee-hacktivist-whose-name-I've-already-forgotten why she helped him escape was "necessary."I mean, Root might have some up with that on her own, but

I'm convinced that the Machine wanted Root at Finch's place, not to be incarcerated (for long) but to be present for some impending event for which Root will be needed. I picture her quoting Emily Dickinson while laying waste to hordes of overconfident home-invaders.