now that would be an interesting conversation. i wonder which one would walk out of the room first?
now that would be an interesting conversation. i wonder which one would walk out of the room first?
Morrissey would like a word with you.
Gets me off every time!
nah he doesn't have enough of a backbone to be truly malevolent.
the guy in the gorilla suit is at the Phoenix Suns game dunking on yo ass! (albeit with a trampoline, but whatever)
that's one of those songs that i like any time but LOVE with headphones. so much texture.
Exit Music (for a film) for sure.
Trump's preferred style is a de-porter.
he does that song Return of the Tarmac.
fuck flying Southwest, i'm on the night train.
oh yeah this one too (biggie with vampire weekend this time):
ottoman, bitch (vampire weekend and ice cube) is one of my favorites:
not Cab Calloway!
you're realpolitik. you see soda as a zero sum game.
i once heard that drinking a bottle of Rolling Rock at a bar used to signify that you're gay. it struck me as extremely odd. anyone else ever heard this?
it's always seemed like the alt-right South Park fans only understood 2/3 of the joke and next to none of the satire.
your Woodchucks would also be black and teal, as those were the only acceptable 90s expansion team colors.
the parking lot at old County Stadium after a Brewers game disagrees.
i always thought the orange bike shorts were terrible and unsexy.