
nope pretty sure it's this:

yeah, for once they should try a darker tone, and maybe a sepia tint to the whole thing, make their movies all bro'd-out. have they considered trying plots and characters that are about 30% realized?

good questions. your post also made me realize how the word "awkward" is itself an awkward word. say it out loud a few times.

as long as it's one character's job to repeat what the computer says, i'm happy!

woo, yeah, TV!

yeah but the remix is something i can really vape to.

how about "a handfull of?" i like when people use that even when there's a discrete, easily-countable number of whatever they're talking about.

Animal too, but just as a "watch the world burn" type.

i had a professor who remarked that every scientific study reported on by popular media was a study to either prove the obvious or disprove the impossible.

me, me! it should have been even better: more characters, better graphics, same gameplay. but it just…wasn't. plus there's no quicker way to irritate comic fans than by having fewer alternate uniforms in a sequel.

if you really want to see Jenny McCarthy naked, just check my Netscape browser history circa 1996, back when the Jenny McCarthy versus Carmen Electra debate was at its peak.

did anyone else play the shit out of Marvel: Ultimate Alliance?

welp, that song's gonna be in my head all evening now.

mind. blown.

oh yeah good call, that too.

Apocalypse would have been good if there was any character development with any of the multitude of characters thrown in there, had a different actress play Jean Grey, didn't stifle the dude who plays Apocalypse with facial prosthetics, had about three re-writes, and um that's about it i guess.

Leine's Orig is a great shitty beer. Robust. Satisfying. $8 for a 12 pack.

that's kazoo so sexy!

that's awesome. too bad he didn't do backup vox.

Babe 3: Carnitas