Melvilles Even Hairier Ghost

Okay, didn't know that. But doesn't he still have to pay enormous amounts of alimony?

But at least your shells for the nazis worked, damn it!

Ummm… Dave Foley shouldn't be too hard to get.

FInally the loose Animorphs adaptation we always wanted!

Didn't see Alps, Dogtooth was phenomenal though.


@avclub-5a1c0dcc8243c086c74ee944052f6f0f:disqus My link above is clip show of it.

Ralph Kramden is in GoT??

@avclub-f8665a36d5a911922da81a12443887ed:disqus In Germany nearly everything is dubbed, only the obscurest and rarest of arthouse movies don't get a dub. .

@Scrawler Try Letterboxd if you are interested in keeping track of your movies.

I fully agree. I can spend hours on it, much like TV Tropes.

Fuck them. Rap Genius is amazing.

IMdB will always remember him for his arguably greatest role:
As himself in Hollywood Sqaures (1965)

I just saw it again yesterday and it is still amazing. It was one of my first forrays into horror movies and actually got me into Shakespeare, because nothing gets a teenager more into literature than gruesome murders (and tits).

Dads not good.

Amazing. Damnit you made me jealos. I want to travel back in time and thake that course.

Finally furries get the mainstream recognition they don't deserve.

A manly bumper sticker! It's adhesive being made out of the sweat of steel-workers who always kept reaching for the rainbow.