Melvilles Even Hairier Ghost

We Are Canceled.

Yo're 80? …

For Your Consideration

@avclub-cdef27381eb66efd223f0ea7572024b4:disqus Dammnit.
Ghost … busted.

@avclub-eb4d4948a4c9d8a3066cdf48eecbdade:disqus What is your favourite storyline, or differently put, from which storyline do you expect the most? I'm pretty excited for the continuation of the Sansa storyline.

Yeah I'lll have to admit the discussion was not a shiny example of chivalry (much liek the Red Wedding). I think it's because, as @avclub-ce6b16ea4102dc4408c8dc202e7336c0:disqus points out that you struck a nerve with some people (including me).

@avclub-9cd818ea56273170b63f339aa6f34bca:disqus Ah shit I fucked my stupid persona up again. Happens all the time.
@Dikachu:disqus I understood your comments to be a criticism against GRRMs writing style (which I found unfair) than as an insult against fictious people (which you can all day long for all I care)
As for

Yeah I think the more it gets in the direction of high fantasy like the Bran and Dany storylines, the less interested I am. I prefer the more "realistic" storylines about Westerosi politics and the like.

Who said you couldn't express them? But all you do is repeat them ad nauseam in pretty mean-spirited way. I know that I used your comments for a cheap shot at you and also did this in pretty dickish fashion, but your style just irritated me.

It is known.

Thanks @avclub-e56ced79d1049a08025835434a572e01:disqus that's exactly what I meant, but didn't say because I was immediately accused of trolling. Even though I'm clearly haunting and despite my weird facial hear do not live under a bridge.

Yep alll ghosts are one-dimensional, helps us haunting people.

I dunno, I thought you hated two-dimensional characters and yet you have become what you hate.

The not so unique thing about you is that you repeat yourself quite often.

It's like they don't even like extrem gore.

Hmm, I heard many good things about this movie, but I guess the AV Club is not the place to go when it comes to Horror.

… Jeremy's iron?

Never Funny in Philadelphia I .. I don't get it.

It doesn't really fit in here, but has anyone around here an account on Letterboxd? I've been getting into it this past week and I wondered if any AV clubbers around here use this site too.

Yeah, that's basically what I meant. You just put in better words. By the way I always wondered how many Germans there are on the AV Club. We should do a roll call sometimes.
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