RJ Lake

As long as it sets up a Joe Kucan-starring C&C film I'm down.

If it doesn't turn out that Einstein was the werewolf the whole time, I'm quitting movies.

If it doesn't turn out that Einstein was the werewolf the whole time, I'm quitting movies.

He had Steve Austin's doctor on speed dial.

He had Steve Austin's doctor on speed dial.

I think that one starred The Rock.

I think that one starred The Rock.

And when she does, Halle Berry will be terrifying.

And when she does, Halle Berry will be terrifying.

Right? And Lulu goes without the recognition it deserves.

Right? And Lulu goes without the recognition it deserves.

Something something empowering, something something electric boogaloo, something something watt's better than this

Something something empowering, something something electric boogaloo, something something watt's better than this

I would actually really love a Hulk-themed breakfast cereal.

I would actually really love a Hulk-themed breakfast cereal.

"Able to stand in front of a camera and remember the right words."

"Able to stand in front of a camera and remember the right words."

But is he -Electro- awesome? We can't just throw around words haphazardly. That'd be almost like hyperbole.

But is he -Electro- awesome? We can't just throw around words haphazardly. That'd be almost like hyperbole.

This is a joke about something involving Rays of Lightning, even though that doesn't actually work out, logically