RJ Lake

Really? I listened to that ages back and it just felt like Imitation Crab Deltron. Production wasn't even close and his lyrics were the worst kind of cartoonish.

Saw the headline in my email and immediately clicked on it to see if Scott Pilgrim showed up. The Demonhead show is nice, but my pick would be the Katayanagi showdown; could you imagine being in the middle of a battle of the bands so intense it tears the roof off of the venue and causes giant manefestations of sound

As I said in the Felina thread, I still kinda wish the final shot was Walt smoking his own meth for the first time and cutting to black after a split second of the police in the background.

Was I the only one who wanted it to end with Walt smoking his own meth for the first time right before he died?

God, I wanna do it with the milky way.

Really, really like their track "Nights Like This," and it's baffling that they left it off of this (considering that this isn't so much of a new album as a repackaging of old work, from the looks of things). Other than that and "I Love It," they seem shiny (and extraordinarily well-produced) but not nearly as

It's almost like musicality and lyricism are different things!

it's a -correct- use, too

yeah, that he's right about stuff and smart at seeing quality in things

Abrams really didn't have much involvement in Lost. I mean, I could do this same comment except talk about how great Fringe is, and it would still be about as true.

I've seen a few other films I'd call "perfect" but this one is my favorite:
Fantastic Mr. Fox.

"at least in my case"


Looper might be a better Christopher Nolan film than most films Christopher Nolan has made.

you're fucking kidding me

As far as I can tell. I love this film.

Oh, finally. I refused to watch this previously on the grounds that the only releases available were 4:3.

are we just kind of, uh, quoting? because i'm a student of quotes

are we just kind of, uh, quoting? because i'm a student of quotes