mr tin-foil hat

Did I not just say that the lyrics were a little too self aware, in so many words? what I'm trying to say is that I appreciate the craftsmanship of the music above the rest.

Did I not just say that the lyrics were a little too self aware, in so many words? what I'm trying to say is that I appreciate the craftsmanship of the music above the rest.

You seem to want to keep fighting me over this, but the structure of the songwriting is obviously closer to Arcade Fire or TV on the Radio.

You seem to want to keep fighting me over this, but the structure of the songwriting is obviously closer to Arcade Fire or TV on the Radio.

My thoughts are that he is just a normal, decent dude, just like most of us. I would be grateful for his success as well, and might even come off really well in an interview because I'm normal and grateful (if I were in his situation). However, he functions on camera, but he's grating in anything more than very, very

My thoughts are that he is just a normal, decent dude, just like most of us. I would be grateful for his success as well, and might even come off really well in an interview because I'm normal and grateful (if I were in his situation). However, he functions on camera, but he's grating in anything more than very, very

My italics didn't read, but hopefully that's still legible. Man, I have to learn this internet stuff.

My italics didn't read, but hopefully that's still legible. Man, I have to learn this internet stuff.

I skimmed over this headline, and I first thought Kim Jong, as in Kim Jong Il. Then I thought wait, Kim Jong Il has been dead for almost a year. Then I thought Oh, KEN JEONG, the actor who annoys me! Then I took a piss, and thought to myself man, what an interesting direction for the series to take to have them party

I skimmed over this headline, and I first thought Kim Jong, as in Kim Jong Il. Then I thought wait, Kim Jong Il has been dead for almost a year. Then I thought Oh, KEN JEONG, the actor who annoys me! Then I took a piss, and thought to myself man, what an interesting direction for the series to take to have them party

You know, I'm willing to admit that maybe I'm drawing some things together because I'm identifying these people as black, but it seems like there's been a lot of African Americans getting nicked with tax evasion lately in a way I don't remember before. Hill, Kelly, Snipes (a few years ago, but still…). Has this

You know, I'm willing to admit that maybe I'm drawing some things together because I'm identifying these people as black, but it seems like there's been a lot of African Americans getting nicked with tax evasion lately in a way I don't remember before. Hill, Kelly, Snipes (a few years ago, but still…). Has this

Eh, it's a throwback. But their awesome tour art would have made an amazing cover.

Eh, it's a throwback. But their awesome tour art would have made an amazing cover.

I just always think of Toronto as "background generic North West Hemisphere city" on mediocre action movies.

I just always think of Toronto as "background generic North West Hemisphere city" on mediocre action movies.

I'm no little hipster kid, but I think what he's doing is fresh. His lyrics might tap into the vapid 80s style a little too often for my tastes, but to me it's more like he's reincorporating all the 80s sounds into modern songwriting. There's a lot more builds than Prince ever did.

I'm no little hipster kid, but I think what he's doing is fresh. His lyrics might tap into the vapid 80s style a little too often for my tastes, but to me it's more like he's reincorporating all the 80s sounds into modern songwriting. There's a lot more builds than Prince ever did.

Bitenuker: My show was a little different, so maybe that should be considered. Twin Shadow opened with Tyrant Destroyed for another band called The Pains of Being Young at Heart who are every bit as shitty as their name implies (think a fake emo band on WB TV show). I mean, he OPENED; he was the opener!  Anyway, after

Bitenuker: My show was a little different, so maybe that should be considered. Twin Shadow opened with Tyrant Destroyed for another band called The Pains of Being Young at Heart who are every bit as shitty as their name implies (think a fake emo band on WB TV show). I mean, he OPENED; he was the opener!  Anyway, after