mr tin-foil hat

theres a long history of the grotesque in animation and children's illustrated stories in general - particularly in how adults are portrayed. you see a lot of this type of aesthetic in European animation (not really a children's movie, but see the fabulous Triplets of Belleville). It's not an accident, it's

Just sneak it in to the "sometimes our nation makes mistakes" speech between Iran Contra and the second Iraq war.

I think he kind of looks like the treasurer for the lil' republicans club.

And I just learned that swim trunks/cowboy boots is the stupidest looking clothes combo since socks and sandals.

We should just credit the parts as the wig designers. The wigs are doing the heavy lifting.

Yeah, I guess could be either way. $1Mil to the president of a college with less than 1000 students is pretty baffling.

I had to check the $1mil figure because that's university president money and it looks like that might not be true. $200K is still a lot to be making when you're just walking around promoting your own books and movies like you would have been doing anyway. Maybe it was kind of like a NASCAR sponsorship where the

I'd love to see him attempt to storm the White House lawn in his gi and purple belt.

Yo, Rutty, remember when hacking was all about breakin' into stock exchanges and launchin' nuc-u-lar missiles? It was all like chess meets Calvin ball and the world made sense. Now it's all nude photos and the government readin your search history and they're just ain't no work for us good-ol-boys no more. But I tell

If they're on the original island, I'm hoping for a scene where they fire up the old computers and try futilely to navigate the most esoteric file system ever designed.

I've just never thought his movies were very good. I know people like Wall Street and all, but I found it ham-fisted to hell and back. I don't think I could even watch it in the wake of Wolf of Wall Street (that's probably unfair, but it's true.) I liked Natural Born Killers, but that probably had more to do with

It's on the internet! Now Verne Troyer is waiting patiently by his phone.

I'd at least be curious to see how that turned out!

Oh, Christ, not Oliver Stone! Please, anyone else!

Dredd might be my favorite underrated movie in a long time. If this is what it takes to make a sequel, I'm all for it!

I went on your suggestion, and I was actually kind of impressed with the AP forum. I was expecting people to just to the defense of *sigh* whipping a 4 year-old with a branch until he bled, but it seems like people are largely and correctly disturbed.

I'm sort of surprised that this isn't well known around the country. I may be a local and overexposed to the coverage as a result, It was a sex story dealing with USA's #1 sports so I figured it had legs nationally


You got Memoirs for a Geisha; that's a pretty good entry. If I were writing this, I would sub The Last Samurai for that. It was just a much more visible release.

You got Memoirs for a Geisha; that's a pretty good entry. If I were writing this, I would sub The Last Samurai for that. It was just a much more visible release.