mr tin-foil hat

Sorry, I was out of town.

Sorry, I was out of town.

Absolutely back you up on the recorded version of Tyrant Destroyed. Live, it didn't have the Impact, though. At My Heels and When We're Dancing were unreal to hear live.

Absolutely back you up on the recorded version of Tyrant Destroyed. Live, it didn't have the Impact, though. At My Heels and When We're Dancing were unreal to hear live.

I've really been pulling for him. Last year, they put on the second best show I saw (#1 was Wye Oak, #3 was fucking Arcade Fire). He's got some serious chops on guitar, and the drummer he uses is a goddamn nut!

I've really been pulling for him. Last year, they put on the second best show I saw (#1 was Wye Oak, #3 was fucking Arcade Fire). He's got some serious chops on guitar, and the drummer he uses is a goddamn nut!

I'm not sure I'd call Spiner a "bad" actor, just more suited for stage. That hamminess reads a lot more on a screen.

I'm not sure I'd call Spiner a "bad" actor, just more suited for stage. That hamminess reads a lot more on a screen.

I remember reading that King was in such a rolling blackout that he hardly remembers the process of writing Cujo. With how long a process of writing a novel seems to be, that just seems unreal to me.

I remember reading that King was in such a rolling blackout that he hardly remembers the process of writing Cujo. With how long a process of writing a novel seems to be, that just seems unreal to me.

I had to struggle to chuckle my giggles at "I can't create life, what does that make me?" That was such a bad line at such a bad moment to establish her infertility, which seems very unimportant anyway.

I had to struggle to chuckle my giggles at "I can't create life, what does that make me?" That was such a bad line at such a bad moment to establish her infertility, which seems very unimportant anyway.

I disliked it for strictly non-hipster reasons. I wanted to love it. I was working real hard to like it, and I had to give up half-way through. The script was just too bad and the characters were just too dumb with confusing motivations at every turn. The whole move felt withholding on details that would have enriched

I disliked it for strictly non-hipster reasons. I wanted to love it. I was working real hard to like it, and I had to give up half-way through. The script was just too bad and the characters were just too dumb with confusing motivations at every turn. The whole move felt withholding on details that would have enriched

I know that it's cool to hate on these guys, but I will tell you that they put on one of the best concerts I've ever seen at a 200 person venue (seventh street entry in Minneapolis). I would put their performance of Desert Song up there with Old Man and Dogs Eyes as among the best performances of a single song I've

I know that it's cool to hate on these guys, but I will tell you that they put on one of the best concerts I've ever seen at a 200 person venue (seventh street entry in Minneapolis). I would put their performance of Desert Song up there with Old Man and Dogs Eyes as among the best performances of a single song I've

Slaughter? are they still around?

Agreed. If I were an actor, I would jump on that opportunity also.

You'd likely get a similar response as Roman did talking to the film producer about Poe.

She has Rachael Getting Married, which I would feel fine saying I really liked. You can't go wrong giving a compliment like that. I think it would be far more awkward to be talking to a celebrity who completely sucks, like Rob Schnieder.