mr tin-foil hat

I don't get why he's not in more of the promotion. He's much more interesting then Mr. Deputy with a flawless Jew-fro.

I for one would have LOVED to see them minimize CGI and go with real creature effects. The best CGI I've seen uses a combination of the two (think Planet Terror or Jurassic Park). I imagine that these days mediocre CGI, or even decent CGI for that matter, is safer and more cost-effective than creature effects. That's

They'd better make this quick. Fighter pilots are quickly growing obsolete and Robots can't be taught to love an opposite gender, let alone the same one.

Diving Bell and the Butterfly. That ending wrecked me, but I think the breakdown of cognition was perfect.

Richard Dean Anderson. For real.

Woz: "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase.

Holy Shit, I just realized that How Did This Get Made took my suggestion for Wicker Man. This is the most validated I've ever felt!

I'm looking for La Tenia

I agree and mellowstupid is wrong. Albert Brooks out-did Ron Perlman AND Brian Cranston with a less interesting part. I really think that he deserves to be recognized for what he added.

Not to mention that Gosling could never have survived that stab at the end without immediate medical attention. I imagine the closer as the fantasy of a dying man.

YES. In the whole first act (as I mentioned in the post above) I thought he had Asberger's. If you think of it from that standpoint, the film becomes much more interesting. His smile with the kid looked so put-on. He was so bad with conversation. His interactions were either violent and controlling or awkward. He

Funny you mention that, because I thought he had Asberger's through the whole first half.

Actually, that was my main complaint. I couldn't gauge their relationship or have an opinion on it. I know what they were going for, but Gosling was so silent, I thought he had a communication disorder.

did you shove a shower-rod through his ribcage? God, the public used to be able to handle subtle. Everyone seems to think this should be a sequel to The Fast and the Furious.

Yeah, my girlfriend loved it; I liked it quite a bit. Much of the theater seemed a bit less than fulfilled. It's just a little too internal for the general public.

Nah, they're not even in the same stratosphere. The Transporter is an action film, this is a cerebral crime drama. Honestly, though, it defies categorization. I was thinking more along the line of Tarantino and the Cohens taking on Taxi Driver with a Hitchcockian knack for tension.

I think it was a little oversold to me, but I enjoyed it and I would expect any intelligent adult to enjoy it also. I think Albert Brooks should get a nomination for this.

I'm going to add Twin Shadow (second best show I've seen this year behind Wye Oak) and Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros (one of the best shows I've ever seen period. Up From Below is just about the best debut album I've ever heard, as well.)

I have a couple.

I can't pay a white person that little, they'd starve!