mr tin-foil hat

How does it keep up with the news like that?

flicking off is better for them. From flicking the bean.

I also like musicals, and like the idea of Hugh Jackman in this adaptation. However, Crowe is a poor choice as he cannot sing.

I dunno. What kind of sport can you enjoy ironically? Freestyle Frisbee?

Warren Zevon used to make security lock the doors after the last set and forced the audience to watch him fuck an entire petting zoo. Rumor has it that the noises from the act gave him the idea for the chorus of Werewolves of London.


I don't think the creator of The Day the Clown Cried has any business dictating what is tasteful and what isn't.

The Bends was a hit machine and it counts.

Perlman worked with Del Toro on Chronos as well.

I get it now. Thanks for setting me straight.

Better than a Xenobiologist. That's what Jennifer Connolly played in The Day the Earth Stood Still and died of boredom watching Neo at his most wooden. I remember that being my favorite part of that dreadful movie I saw for free. They get the top Physicists, Biologists, Chemists…and a goddamn xenobiologist to

Sorry to be that guy, but it was a bottle of J&B

@Apes: They were a freighter, not a science vessel. They had a robot science officer on board for a reason I can't quite remember, but it's space travel so maybe that's how they do things in 21XX.

I thought you'd feel that way, Flaubert. You were the only one who could've gotten to that blood. We'll do you last.

It could still be a downgrade but still be good. That's what I'm hoping for.

That's right, Wilford Fucking Brimley was in it! Jesus, I totally forgot!

The Host is a great ride, but I don't want to over-sell it. It is better than super 8, though.

I remember it mostly for the creature effects, which are still some of the best in history. When I heard they were doing this, my first thought was "God, I hope the severely limit the CGI."

You're missing…
Party Down.

Snake did indeed use guns and bombs among other things to kill scores of terrorists with severe vision impairments. They also fell in love with pictures of bikini-clad Japanese women on the floor and lacked the cognitive ability to flip over a ubiquitous empty cardboard box that appeared in different places behind