mr tin-foil hat

I heard he takes for ever to get on the rope tow.

Spoof, rather.

I am surprised
From the title and the rating, I fully expected this to be a Wayans Brothers Harry Potter spoff.

Here's my prediction of the makeup of the new characters:

seriously. Is your apostrophe key broken?

@a.r's. caddy

I work in finance, and recently, I've been shocked by the gold market. I keep saying "Don't buy gold!" and it just keeps going up. Gold is traditionally a hedge against inflation, now it just seems like an insane bubble that just keeps growing. My thoughts are that if you want to speculate, go for the rare earth

@my year of flops

Funny-bad means a film has some redemptive qualities. The worst kind of film is boring-bad. I get the impression this is the latter.

Hey, it's a fair question, go fuck yourself.

This was all decided in Rip Taylor v Von Kaiser. Punchout characters are not subject to copywrite laws.

It's the concepts that sound disgusting that are often the most rewarding. Try Mayo and Peanut butter on your burger sometime (not too much peanut butter).

I think it's also just easier to start with an established premise sometimes too. I don't see how this could garner any recognition off the name. If I haven't heard of it, I'm confident 99.5% of America hasn't either.

the banner on the right made me think of the old Gabriel Knight games for some reason. I figured it was some TBS show or something and had no interest in finding out more until I saw it was a D-rated movie. Any way you slice it, it is one of the worst promo posters I've ever seen.

I remember blue hippo, I figured they just sent you referbished offbrand shitty computers from the bloc or something. I just looked it up, and it turns out they were way worse:

The funny thing is random kid snatching is way down, but people these days are way more worried about it. Growing up in the eighties, I was pretty much autonomous during the day as soon as the training wheels came off. I think that's because my parents wanted to get rid of me though.

Question for Scott Tobias
Regardless of what you say, I am going to see this documentary because Herzog is my favorite documentary filmmaker. My question is this: How much does 3d add to the experience?


I actually just made fun of someone at work when I spied Atlas Shrugged on his desk. Not professional, I know, but I couldn't help it. Among the faux intelligencia in the business world (especially right out of college), there's a market.