dirty harold

Dragon Ball Z.

I want a shot-for-shot remake of that video with Jason Mewes as the vocalist and Ben Affleck as the asshole boyfriend

At least this dude kept his Prince cds.

Clearly it was supposed to be am'nt… Jeff Am'nt

I wouldn't at all be surprised if those parts were quantized or fixed up

yes, because clearly the only two options are eating this up whole-heartedly or listening to Selena Gomez (only mp3s though… no FLAC, or even listening to a CD in the car? damn.)

Based on what I've seen of Soundgarden's macho-posturing in the first half of the career (or at least the macho-posturing of the fanbase they attracted), I feel like said fanbase probably wasn't thrilled with the direction they went in later on.

The dude always reminded me of a 90's Jimmy Page, just listen to the solo on "Trippin On…"

this dude likes Morrissey, psht

Jennifer Lawrence.

The Steve thing didn't bother me as much as it probably should have. Especially not after it was implied that he had a hand in Nancy giving the camera gift to Jonathan.

It's a fair critique to make, but on the other hand, if the kids were too downtrodden about losing Eleven, it would seem like a slap to the face of their friend whose life they were trying to save for the entire series. I think they all realized Eleven's importance and had plenty of time to tell her story to Will,

"If you want a Fallon-free version"

I've read unrelated blurbs from Wendy Melvoin about Prince kicking ass at b-ball and being able to run faster than her while wearing heels.

no Jesus Lizard? Not even GOAT?

Holy shit, I completely forgot he was in that movie. I completely forgot about that movie in general, but yeah.

I'm glad that people like Scott Baio exist. Even on my lowest of days, when I feel like a nobody who has barely accomplished anything, I can take a step back and know that I'm not a completely clueless, washed up piece of shit like Mr. Baio. Really puts things into perspective.

edgelord alert

true story: I was a wee youngster when that commercial came out, and as I was too young to understand who Chris Elliott was, I always thought of him as the "chip guy" when I saw him on tv.

The original is one of those songs that is so short and beautifully done that it always leaves you wanting more. Any live cover I've heard by a blues guitarist always leaves me wishing they'd ended the song at least 2 minutes earlier.