dirty harold

Yep. Saw this exact thing from all of my conservative relatives. AND the #AllLivesMatter/#BlueLivesMatter bullshit. AND the shared MLK quotes that are always an obvious empty gesture to try and appear less racist. AND the calls for peace that you never see them post whenever it's police brutalizing black men and women

isn't this the entire plot of X-Files?

Forever rolling my eyes at this band

A bunch of people personally edit films/shows to improve their viewing experience while having no effect on anyone else's to watch the full thing. Or none of it.

I know I'm missing out on some funny scenes and a 'triumphant' ending, but I usually lose interest in This Is Spinal Tap once David's girlfriend comes into the picture. Everything up to that point is just the band being bumbling, barely functional idiots who somehow managed to become successful. Then it goes through

It's unbelievable how much they dumbed that show down after the movie.

Dead Bart becomes a reality

Hey, people change. Some of them even become embarrassing pot-fueled parodies of themselves.

I feel sorry for anyone who's willing to waste their money on this dude's (inevitably overpriced) shit just for his name/reputation.

What I posted was a tweet from Kanye, verbatim (aside from the number of exclamation marks… maybe)

I know it's 2016 and everything else would be a footnote if Beyonce just walked onstage and ate a sandwich… but really? Janelle and Sheila E weren't worthy of more than a passing mention? Both were every bit as entertaining, talented, and energetic as I expected, and captured the spirit of Prince pretty damn well. and

BILL COSBY INNOCENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's one of the first albums I remember asking my parents to buy for me as a kid, because I saw the "Clint Eastwood" video on MTV and thought it was the coolest thing ever. Even if I was too young to fully appreciate the album for what it was, I loved all of the weird soundscapes and the artwork that accompanied the

I didn't know Michael Che had that many fans

real bummer, I had friends who went to DC for night #2 and found out it was canceled last minute before the show was supposed to start

I sincerely hope that guy's voice is part of the act. If he's not just doing a parody of insufferable hipsters, but actually is one… yikes.

Green Day - Flagpole Sitta

I miss Borders…

Thanks! My basement isn't spooky anymore but it was at one point in time, so I'll probably enjoy this.

I've revisited the books recently and I agree that the writing is probably the weakest aspect of the books. It definitely doesn't prevent the books from being effectively creepy, though. When you're a kid, the illustrations and dark story concepts are more than enough to make up for the writing. If anything, the