dirty harold

If you have a link or can remember any details that would point me in the right direction, I'd love to read the one about the stumpy limbed monster

I'm sure there are a shitload of bands out there doing the same retro rock thing. Maybe even a lot better. And without rapist-defending drummers.

Maybe some opinions are unpopular because they're really fucking shitty and either directly hurt large groups of people or support the oppression of those groups of people. What the fuck do you think anyone is gaining by voicing their support for a rapist?

"maybe she should have known better than to drink too much and be out on her own" - simple solution, you can help someone who has had too much to drink by not fucking raping them.

well shit, when you put the dude's picture as the header, we don't even have a chance to guess

How the fuck did nobody pick Tom Waits?

well, now is the time for the festival to live up to its name

I sincerely worry about that dude sometimes, it's amazing he's even still alive. We've gotten a fantastic run of albums, but shit, don't go dyin' on us before we can get a few more Mastopieces

Fuck Morrissey. And his eyebrows.

I heard one person laughing after that but nobody else seemed to catch that joke

It may not have been the funniest episode ever, but hell, it was exactly the kind of finale I wanted this season. 2016 has been kind of a shit year so far and it was nice to get some comforting laughs with a familiar ex-SNL face hosting, and for ONCE, finally a fucking good musical guest.

So at this rate we'll get Clerks 3 by 2030?

Hold up, that victim blaming bullshit is stupid and doesn't "technically contain some amount of truth". Rapists are rapists, doesn't matter if their victims are fully clothed or more scantily clad - a woman choosing comfort isn't responsible for the actions of the person who rapes her. The rapist is, and they're a…

I've heard so many people say good shit about Oasis' music, but they're the prime example of a band I'll never bother listening to just because Noel is such a fucking dickhole. I could be missing out on some masterpieces, but I'll continue doing so even through my dying breaths, just to spite the fuckwad who made them.

So in other words, you're digging his David Spade look?

No, it's from a while ago, you can see John Frusciante onstage. I wouldn't put it past them to pull this old schtick out again at some point, though.

Keep your day jobs.

*shows outrage over the voice Billy uses*
*parrots several lines from the monologue in the exact same voice*

Billy's act seemed unnecessary and in poorer taste than he likely realized… but this Tom dude's reaction to it is so hyperbolic and ridiculous that I can't take it seriously. "This is like the most offensive thing, ever!"

This kind of shit is not at all okay, anybody who takes being a fan THAT far needs to get the fuck off the internet and find a better way to live their life.