dirty harold

That's one thing I never liked about Pearl Jam (and I guess Eddie in particular). I get it, you want to be 'authentic' and you're above enjoying all of the superficial aspects of fame and success. Doesn't mean you have to be an asshole to your drummer because he's happy about the money he's making and he's not the

Fuck yes, "Pretty Noose" is a hell of an album opener. I'm racking my brain trying to think of another favorite track of mine, but it's so hard. The beautiful thing about Cameron is that he somehow makes the simplest drum parts ("Black Hole Sun" and "Applebite") sound just as compelling as any of his more complex

He did, and he has a co-writing credit on the song (which is probably for the drum loop alone, because goddamn it, that basically IS the song). He also wrote the music for "Go" so I don't know why the fuck he wasn't deemed worthy of induction, that song blows a lot of other PJ songs out of the water

Hell, if they're inducting Krusen then they might as well induct Abruzzesse and Irons. I get it, Krusen played on their breakthrough album, but still.

Am I the only one seeing D****d T***p's face in that header pic?

I'm glad to not be in that universe, Judas Priest is kinda lame

nah, he's a cool dude and his performances were fun. Trump is a void of fucking terribleness that sucks the life and fun out of everything around him

I was kind of pleasantly surprised by the first two episodes and thought that maybe they'd be able to keep it up all season. And then last night happened and I thought, "…yep, this is how I remember SNL."

The funny thing is that the original Ghostbusters movies aren't the timeless comedic masterpieces that everyone says they are. Really, they are mildly amusing and I like the people in them, but fuzzy nostalgia doesn't equate high quality.

I don't know, I've heard some of the stuff that has been leaked in lower quality over the years, and while it might not stand next to his top-tier work, I think he has some fucking great music that he never officially released for whatever reason. I'd love to hear it in higher quality.

I believe so, we'll probably finally get the full "Computer Blue" in high quality

Shit, isn't that the nerdy bald guy from Better Call Saul?

Maybe it's just me but it seems like she either over-acts in sketches she is in, or never quite nails the delivery of whatever given character she is playing. I hope she proves me wrong and has some knock-out bits this season, but she hasn't done much to impress me so far.

Not a great episode, but definitely a welcome return. I've missed this show throughout the summer, it's like comfort food for the eyes & ears on any given Saturday night that I'm not busy.

Lyrically they're already bad enough, but holy fuck, the actual music… The music is some of the most inauthentic music I could possibly imagine, and the production just sucks away any small shreds of life that might have been in the song to begin with

There's a ton of great shit from the 80's (maybe later too, haven't dug that deep yet) that has only been circulated in mediocre quality over the years, so it'd be nice to get some cleaned up and higher quality versions of those songs.

Oh, how I wish the people running this festival would have told him to fuck off.

Kind of weird considering he's in the band

-Kim Thayil & Chris Cornell

more like BALLitics, am I right?!