dirty harold

She pisses off white racists (and I'm sure there's a large number of them watching football so maybe you have a point) but she's also one of the most beloved pop stars out there, so I think there are much riskier choices.

The fucking tone in that solo, though… Prince is one of the few that could make such a song sound as badass as it is, despite everything going against it

I think Marissa Paternoster's take-down of "Ho Hey" was pretty damn good. I don't remember it verbatim but she compared the song to a bland rice cracker.

I'll be damned if I didn't almost let out an "awww" when Ernie said that

so THAT'S what Missy was saying in the chorus of "Work It"

There was a period of time where I got to see various combinations of Megadeth, Exodus, Anthrax, Slayer, and Testament at a handful of shows. I don't really remember who played at what show, but my high school self was really stoked to see all of them. I do remember hearing Rust In Peace in its entirety, and Jeff and

I can't tell if it's just nostalgia or me doing a half-assed job of giving her new music a fair chance… but I feel like nothing I've heard by her since that time period (especially "Crazy In Love" itself) has felt nearly as fun or memorable. Most of her music just feels like throwaway tracks so she has an excuse to do

The entire ending of that song is hands down one of my favorite pieces of music ever. I haven't heard a whole lot of Jeff Buckley's music, and it's rare that I sit down and make a conscious choice to listen to him, but whenever I do… it's usually this song, and I enjoy every fucking second of it.

I never thought of it until now, but the dentist chairs remind me of the X-Files episode "Unruhe". Gilligan has a thing for dentist chairs, doesn't he.

1) Christ, this was a tense episode over all. The deeper Jimmy and Kim get into this, the more dread I feel about the inevitable shoe-dropping later on

the best show been ever made!! to good! for us, ah!

Why would anybody ever want this?

I know Dr. Lecter has manipulated this dude into doing some crazy shit, but damn, this is too far even by Lecter's standards.

I'm not entirely surprised to see everyone turned their noses up at this back when it debuted. It's far from being the best or most entertaining show on television, but fuck, it's fun to watch. Glad I'm not an elitist like most of the people here.

ugh, FUCK Ugly Kid Joe. I've always hated that fucking song.

It's a real shame Annie Clark wasn't there to work her magic on some Bowie songs.

I'd like to end up on this podcast somehow, and have the first words out of my mouth be "fuck Guns & Roses"

I'm still in the process of getting into this band (slowly; i'm a musical procrastinator), but I'll be damned if "One Armed Scissor" doesn't get me pumped up every single time I hear it. What a fucking song.

It very well could be a case of him genuinely forgetting. I know there's small shit I've meant to fix in my car for a while, but by the time I get home after driving, I've usually forgotten as my mind has wandered off to 30 other things.

I thought Pee Wee was going to put both straws in a single barrel until I realized he had two barrels.