dirty harold

"World's forgotten boy" ;)

I KNEW Rebecca looked familiar but I couldn't for the life of me remember who the actress was off the top of my head

There's not any profanity in that song… is there?

I'd love this show a lot more if they toned Ilana down a bit… or a lot. Her character is unbearable to watch most of the time. Abbi is always great though, as well as all of the other characters (minus Bevers for obvious reasons)

I give it less than 4 years. Shit, they'll probably be back together doing something within 6-10 months.

you forgot:
-Pat Smear running for president

heh, you say that now…

Right, his surprise provided a much-needed laugh in that moment. Everything before that was just creepy as fuck, perhaps more realistically portrayed on this show than ever before

Worth it just for Gay Mac becoming canon (or self-aware Gay Mac, anyway).

My Metallica phase ended several years ago, but I'll always be grateful for the inspiration they provided in my early days of becoming a musician. Actually, just a few days ago I was thinking about breaking this CD out for old times' sake, so it's nice to see it pop up on AVClub

The voice over sounded exactly like a commercial I swear I've heard on tv before. I couldn't tell if they lifted the audio from an actual commercial or if they were just THAT GOOD at nailing the feel of those commercials.

wonder how many more live albums, deluxe edition reissues, and DVDs (not to mention any other side projects and distractions) this band will put out before they bother recording and releasing a followup to Death Magnetic.

I think this might be the first episode all season that really made me feel like I was watching Sunny.

My cousins got me into the band by playing Blood Mountain for me shortly after that album came out. However, I'm pretty sure there was a night before that when I caught part of Headbanger's Ball on New Years Eve, and I specifically remember seeing the video for "Seabeast". I had no clue what the fuck to make of it,

My cousins got me into the band by playing Blood Mountain for me shortly after that album came out. However, I'm pretty sure there was a night before that when I caught part of Headbanger's Ball on New Years Eve, and I specifically remember seeing the video for "Seabeast". I had no clue what the fuck to make of it,

Swiper, no swiping!

knowing Carter, he'd STILL try to bring the show back for an 11th season, because apparently reconstructive surgery can work wonders nowadays.

This was a pretty bad episode. Lots of wasted time on exposition, bullshit ideas from Carter that would have been better if taken in nearly ANY other direction, characters doing stupid things that they probably never would have done (Reyes teaming up with Smoking Man? seriously? Even for the alien DNA bullshit, I

I'm not sure if he didn't immediately realize it so much as he was desperately hoping for another answer, ANYTHING other than his brother being accepted as a lawyer.

I was thinking this throughout the entire episode, with a hint of "oh well, might as well enjoy these two together while they last".