dirty harold

nah, that was Morgan Freeman.

I used to dislike Maureen as a character, but the more catlike her character becomes, the funnier her appearances are.

I missed the first five minutes or so - I thought I'd watch Broad City tonight since it was the season premiere, but the beginning did nothing for me so I flipped over to Sunny. Really not a bad episode overall, it could have been stronger but Uncle Jack and his ridiculous rubber hands saved the day.

on a side note, something about that room shot of Gene standing by the door in silence reminded me a lot of The Wall

Chris Carter fucking WOULD use that goddamn song. Goddamn it, Chris.

At the showing I went to, some wonderful parent had to take their crying baby out of the theater halfway through the movie. On their way out, I saw a young child tagging along behind them. A+ parenting, good choice for the family, glad they did their research.

I rewatched Beyond The Sea on Sunday night so that episode was definitely fresh in my mind last night

Musically, I've heard much worse - there are plenty of bands doing this sort of thing better, but this is more tolerable than most of the guests on SNL nowadays.

I feel like it's been the same since season 8, it's rare to get a really satisfying episode anymore. Once in a while there'll be one that will get a lot of laughs out of me (like this episode), but overall, it just feels like they have a hard time writing great episodes anymore. A lot of amusing ideas or storylines

Mac cutting up a dead dog to cook it and put it in macaroni seemed like a step or two farther than his character would actually go, but I didn't think too hard about it because this is Sunny and the whole show is batshit insane.

Hands down my favorite of the season so far. As much as I like the gang as a whole, it was refreshing to focus on just Mac and Dennis for most of the episode and watch them break down.

That might have been my favorite moment of the entire episode

The wig did look a little like Sia's wig, but why the fuck would anyone think he was trying to be like Sia? With the whole art thing, it was so obvious that he was doing Warhol.

wait, Scully's brother died at some point? I honestly can't remember what ever happened to his character or when he last appeared.

I pointed this out in a comment earlier, but it seemed like her normal voice definitely came back at times later in the episode. Especially when she was in action-mode and yelling/talking to people more forcefully. I really hope she slips back into that normal voice for the next 4 episodes instead of sounding frail

fuck Vince Vaughn!

Scully's voice sounded strangely weak and sad for the first episode and a half, but once the action started picking up last night, it's like she got her old voice/confidence back and sounded like herself again.

Tonight hit all of the right notes for me, WAY better than the near-trainwreck of a premiere. Bits of it reminded me of classic X-Files (especially the intro), Mulder and Scully felt like their old selves again, the William daydream scenes were way more poignant than I expected, and Abigail Hobbs was there?

I guess it helped with the "alien trying to appear human and not quite getting it right" thing

SNL really needs to stop bringing athletes onto the show. They do a decent enough job sabotaging their own show, they don't need wooden personalities with zero acting skills to help them.