dirty harold

Charlie might bring back the puppy-chopping machine

it would be fucking hilarious if they did a Hannibal-style episode of Sunny with a Graham-like character in pursuit of Dennis

I've felt like the whole show has been off since season 8, but enough people seem to think it's funny that I just assumed I'm judging the show too harshly. Or maybe everyone is so comfortable with the show that they're collectively lowering their standards?

it's always oddly comforting to see Kevin show up in anything I'm watching. His roles are never particularly memorable or significant, but he reminds me enough of Chris to make me nostalgic

I also thought of that line from the Group Dating episode and laughed my ass off. I have no clue if the fracking was a very tenuous callback to that or not, but leave it to Frank.

I wasn't overly impressed by the episode overall, but you can always count on Glenn to save an episode with some sort of rant or screaming fit of rage/pain

If they go with anything other than Smoking Man being some sort of alien clone/hybrid created to replace the original, it's probably going to be stupid. Even that idea sounds ridiculous, honestly.

1) Owning two shirts of the same band isn't all that weird and hardly equal to a drawer full of their shirts
2) If you're buying a band shirt at a concert full of fans of said band, they're probably some of the least likely people to find it weird that you own multiple band shirts

There's usually an abundance of ideas and not enough motivation to get all (or sometimes, any) of them off the ground. I'm speaking from experience, unfortunately.

I honestly do not get the "don't wear a band's tee shirt to their concert" thing, it's superficial hipster bullshit. You enjoy the band, you're paying money to go see them live, you might as well wear some of their merch too if it makes you happy. Who fucking cares if you look 'overzealous' or whatever, it's just a

I wouldn't say I dislike season 8 but I certainly feel lukewarm about it and the following seasons. They each have a handful of really funny episodes and the rest are decent enough, but not particularly hilarious or interesting.

I can't pretend to have been a die-hard Bowie fan, or anything more than a casual fan throughout my life. There is little I know about Bowie and all of his artistic achievements over the years, but I do know that he has always been a presence in the entertainment world and life in general for as long as I can

I mean, the real Paul is dead so technically Ringo's the last one standing ;)

the worst part is that he never got another chance to play Hannibal's uncle :(

JET SET RADIO IS ONE OF THE BEST FUCKING GAMES EVER! I never got to play Future but I really want to check it out sometime

Dennis opens his apartment door to find the gang in front of his fridge/freezer. They wordlessly stare at eachother until Frank revs his chainsaw, cut to black

Paula Cole - Where Have All The Cowboys Gone

Ah, TM:Black. Probably a terrible game in retrospect, but one of the most disturbing things my 8 year old self had ever seen at the time it came out.

I don't know you but I fuckin' love you for this

You must have missed the part where her husband was a meth cook and the police didn't actually remove him from the house because she didn't give them a valid reason to. But y'know, modern society, feminazis, emasculation, wahhhh wahhh wahhhh