dirty harold

yeah, "Shake It Off" wasn't so great. Kinda bummed that this is going to be a lot of peoples' introduction to the band since it blew up online, but if it makes them some new fans, it can't be that bad.

First 6 words of this article = favorite thing I've ever seen on AV Club

I think my band played our first or second show ever with Survay Says, weird to see them on this list. Also, I remember nothing about them.

Kim didn't write the music for this song, just the lyrics. Matt came up with the riffs for this one, which maybe explains why you find it to be clunky.

Shoutout to Matt Cameron for writing this. It might not be the flashiest song in the band's discography, but it's pretty damn solid. I love those droning guitars over top of the repetitive riff throughout the verses.

I just posted this a few minutes ago, but it looked a LOT like William B. Davis

Also holy shit, was it me or did the old man who got shot in the car look a LOT like William B. Davis?

1) Betsy was looking a bit like PJ Harvey in the beginning of this episode
2) I've never been so excited to hear "War Pigs" in my life

I can buy him being Tripoli a lot more than I can buy Hahnzee radically changing his appearance and becoming a Fargo mob boss. That's the only small gripe I have with this episode, the suggestion that Hanzee went on to become that guy later on. Especially when the dude Hahnzee was talking to already looks somewhat

me too, Lorde. me too.

Can we talk about our least favorite song? Because holy fuck do I HATE "Exes and Ohs". Flipping through FM radio when I'm sick of the CDs in my car already sucks enough, but I managed to hear that song on at least one station every time I had to resort to the radio. Every fucking time.

fuck everyone who hates this song, yall ain't fun

I'm not sure if he had a bulletproof vest or if adrenaline kicked in and he was just living up to his name. As big and pissed off as he was, I can see how a few bullets wouldn't have stopped him in his tracks right then

I got into them early this year after hearing a friend talk about them repeatedly, and I've seen them live a few times this year. Definitely one of the coolest bands I've gotten into in a long time.

I had to check and make sure it wasn't the same actor. It's been a while since I've seen No Country but they looked similar enough to throw me off.

I had mixed feelings on Peggy and Kirsten's performance earlier in the season, but have warmed up to her recently and tonight absolutely sold me. Dunst was hilarious and badass in this episode.

They've definitely reached higher emotional heights on subsequent albums, and have done all sorts of experimenting and branching out (some of it worked, some it it didn't), but I don't think anybody can deny that they hit their energetic peak in those first few years. Abbruzzesse certain was a part of that too, I

A lot of people seem to want season 3 to take place in Prohibition times, but I'd rather see the show bounce back to a more modern setting next season.

Since you mentioned pod people, I've secretly been hoping all along that the Kitchen brothers were some sort of weird humanoid aliens (think Nordics, but obviously more malevolent)

FUCK no, Chris writes better songs as well.