
Same here.

I have no memory of hearing that line in 'Willy Wonka', but I do remember hearing it in the Disney version of 'Alice in Wonderland'. I had no idea what it was referring to, though.

Yes :). Even if I'm out there alone in my thoughts on that episode, I am more than eager to hear others' views, and get into a nice little debate about it.

I am so looking forward to next week's reviews/discussions.

Nice point about the TV influence.

My sister and dad went to a concert once where the artist covered that song, and apparently the crowd didn't know the lyrics all that well, because all my sister and dad heard was, "mumblemumbleincoherentmumble….MASSES!"

I know that information as well. You are not alone. *Pats apropostrophe's back*

That song really cracks me up. The story's so freaking stupid.

Yeah, and the sun would be a bitch in the summer, and don't even get me started on the snow in the living room come winter…

I still need to hear that one. Will give it a listen soon-that would definitely help matters, yes.

Thanks to your post, I am now trying my best to keep my laughter at a reasonable level, since I'm the only one awake at the moment.

That is my question as well. The only thing that line ever makes me picture is a warped, creepy version of Donna Reed and other '50s-esque family shows. Which would be rather neat to see, I have to admit…

There's this new one of theirs I hear at work a LOT…you think those lyrics were bad? Check these out:

Thanks, now that song's stuck in my head. And I already hear it a lot at work as it is.

Ah, Phil Collins. Good call.

I remember really liking "Livin' on a Prayer" when I was a kid. And my sister went through a pretty big Bon Jovi phase when she was younger (around the time "It's My Life" came out). So I can't help but have some lingering affinity for their stuff as a result.

Oh, agreed on that, absolutely.

I'd also add Muse to the list. I myself am not bugged one way or another about their lyrics most of the time-I enjoy them as goofy, stupid fun more than anything else. But I can definitely see why others would be like, "Ehhhh…" upon hearing some of them.

I really like that song. Video's cool, too.

Eh, well, if I recall rightly, "Independent Women" was mostly just about women taking care of themselves financially and whatnot. I don't see the two songs as all that contradictory.