
Eesh, there's some charming company to find yourself in.

I'm the same way when it comes to men. Any other personality traits, or physical traits, that add to the attractiveness from there on out are just really nice bonuses.

*Shakes head* That is crazy.

Ooooh. This is a great idea.

I thought of that episode, too, yeah! And I was also amused by the in-credits product placement. Made me think of when I see old Monkees episodes and they have the Pop Tarts/Rice Krispies/etc. stuff down in the corner in the credits.

This lead to a fellow classmate breaking down in ACTUAL TEARS because R+J was "a movie for *our* generation, not something lame for our parents."

That would've been a perfect choice. Perhaps a bit "modern" sounding for the episode in some ways, but it certainly would've fit regardless.

Yep. That, too.

Just got a chance to watch this episode.

I know. I had the same reaction. It's depressing.



Ha. So true. Fortunately, in my case, I loved to read long before I got to school, so I think that helped keep my interest afloat even when being "forced" to read something…but still, unintentionally or not, school does have a way of sucking all the fun and joy out of a worthwhile activity.

Yeah, judging from what I hear some high schools' reading lists were, I missed out on a lot, too ("The Great Gatsby" was never required reading when I was in school, for instance), We watched movie versions of the books a lot of the time, actually. Every time I go past our classics section at work, though, I make note

I consider myself very liberal in a lot of ways, and support progress and technological advances, yet, there are times I can agree with the mindset of not tampering with "God's domain". At least, on some level. I don't frame my objections in a religious context, but my view tends to be that as fascinating and cool and

Will do.

Yeah, going out of your way to seem like a teen or twentysomething is one of the best ways to lose the respect of people who are actually young.

I can't speak for Moonies, as I only have a vague idea of what they are, but to me everything about Scientology just SCREAMS "cult", in the classic definition of the word, and that's why it freaks me out so much. It's like megachurch mindsets cranked up to eleven. Bizarre beliefs and worldviews in and of themselves

I still can't believe that last one is a real statement.

I am definitely going to need to see "Occurrence". As the article noted, it's one of the least aired episodes, so I've not had the chance to watch it.