
Oh, wow. Yeah, definitely wouldn't expect that from someone with tha sort of description.

I wouldn't even call it a guilty pleasure for me, I genuinely like the show. And I'm not even one who regularly watches procedurals. But I just really like the cast/characters on "Criminal Minds", and some of the topics they touch on are interesting (I think, at least). Yeah, it's often predictable storywise, yeah,

I love that episode, in large part because of the reasons you give here. There's also a scene where JJ says to Hotch, "I belong here" and she's looking right into the camera as she says it. Not even remotely subtle at all, that episode, and god bless the cast and writers for that.

I actually didn't mind her on there. I didn't think she'd be a good fit at first, but I liked her character, personally.

No, in her case it sounds like she willingly chose to leave-just wanted to do other stuff and focus on her family. And the showrunner did say that she'd be welcome back if and when she wanted to return, too, so it sounds like her parting was on good terms.

I was going to say the same thing.

I love that she had such a great time on "Community" and would be up for doing more with that show, whatever it is. I'd certainly be all for her returning-her Frankie character was awesome.

Yeah, I'm glad she set the record straight on that, though now I want to go kick the CBS execs for being so mind-numbingly stupid.

Ergh! How awful!

I keep forgetting she did "Harvey Birdman"! She was good on there, too, yes.

I'm so glad that she was such a great interviewee. She certainly comes off really cool and friendly in all the stuff I've seen with her, so it's nice to have that confirmed here. Excellent interview.

Hehe, that'd be a good twist. And then the person runs off and mysteriously disappears, never to be heard from again…

Ohhhh, yeah. The movie version of "The Brady Bunch" played up even more with that joke here and there.

Well, depressing to know nothing's changed in that regard when it comes to portrayals of guns on TV since then. *Sighs, rolls eyes*

Hahaha, "Twilight Zone stories" is certainly an apt description for my workplace some days. Heck, sometimes I feel my life itself is like some weird excerpt from the show.

Ooh. Something to keep in mind when I have some proper free time on me. Thanks for the link!

So I guess a group sing along's out of the question?

That's totally fine. Looking at that episode, I can see where others wouldn't take well to it for a lot of reasons, and I'll be very interested to hear from those of you who aren't big on the episode next week. I suspect that we could find some common points of agreement in our discussion.

Ha. Good point about the TV standard of that time.

Hey, I'll back you up next week.