
Yeah, I'm one of those people who wants to solve problems and gets frustrated when I can't. I want to make people feel better.

For me, a death like that was something I'd always had a fear of hearing about lurking in the back of my mind given what you'd hear in the news about her or celebrities like her.. But of course, it's something I really hoped I'd never have to hear.

That is spot on. Agree 100% with her sentiments.

Oh, damn. That's beautiful. *Grabs a tissue*

Bless you both for this.

My condolences to you on your loss. You ever need to talk…

Yeah, that would be the big thing for me, too, if I ever found myself in such a state. Plus, I'm deeply terrified of dying and know I couldn't even work up the nerve to do something to myself, so that would be a major factor as well.

I remember when Davy Jones died, I'd prayed she'd already heard that news elsewhere so I wouldn't have to break it to her (she had).

My mom always talked about how she'd have to rewind jokes sometimes when watching a stand-up because he moved so goddamn fast and you were laughing so much it was easy to miss something. I swear that guy's brain ran like a freight train.

You and me both. Holy fuck, that would've been an incredible gathering to witness. I'd just sit there in awe.

Oh, god, yes. *Covers ears and thinks happy thoughts now*

He's Prince. He's earned it.

It works perfectly whether you like golf or not (I am in the latter camp, and I remember cracking up at that whole segment).

I know, I remember watching that ending where he addresses the children and thinking, "There should be copies made of that to send out to every child going through such things." It was so simple and beautifully said and reassuring and perfect.

I needed that laugh. Thank you for sharing that.

That's incredibly cool. Respect for him just went up even more.

'Dead Poets' Society' is great.

Don't read Scott Weinger's tweet, then. It's really sweet, mind, but…hoo, boy.

I can't even form the words. I just want to tell her to turn on the news instead.

Seriously, I want to hunt down any other celebrities I like and hold on to them and be like, "LIVE FOREVER!"