
When I was a kid, and my dad would call from work to check in on the family and see how we were doing at home in the evening, I almost always had this exchange with him at some point:

I understand what you mean. They clicked so perfectly and were so influential to each other. It's a true gem when you see two comedians who can play off each other so well like that.

Eesh. That sounds very creepy in light of everything.

He was also a frequent guest of Craig Ferguson's. Those two were hysterical together whenever they got to chatting.


Same here. Every generation had something new to enjoy with him.

I've never been in that position and I don't understand how people can say such a thing. I can see where surviving loved ones can feel angry when someone takes their life and say things they don't mean sometimes as a result-part of the grief process and all.

I just said, "…WHAT?" out loud, and then sat there slack-jawed for, like, five minutes.

…thanks for sharing?

I just want to pass on comforting thoughts to you in response. I'm sorry you're dealing with similar things, but, as is evident, you're not alone. There's always someone to turn to. Take care of yourself.

Same. Seriously, this is freaking me the hell out.

I remember seeing some clip from the making of 'Aladdin' where it showed him and Scott Weinger in the studio doing their characters' voices, and he was doing some random ad-libs and whatnot here and there, and Scott was about doubled over with laughter.

'Insomnia' was a really good movie. It's been a long time since I've seen that one-I should check it out again.

Amen to every word of this. Great post.

I've seen that movie so many times thanks to my parents. I've always liked it, too. He was great in it.

Stunned beyond belief. What the hell?

Oooh, there's a good question. If them suddenly becoming compassionate would make them lose their success, that's…a depressing thought.

On your note of teenage girls being affected by things like this…can I just say, in regards to both "Number 12…" and "Eye of the Beholder", that it's kinda nice to see episodes like this written by men (as Serling wrote the latter)? Most people would probably expect a woman to write a story like this, would expect a

I've crushed on a few guys here and there who wear glasses. Sure, if you're the one with the eyesight issues, that's frustrating for all sorts of reasons, and I feel for people with that. But I've never understood how simply wearing glasses in and of themselves was supposed to make a person less sexy.

Ha. "Space alien" is right. It's crazy the things people will allow someone to do to their bodies, for the most ridiculous of reasons.