
YES! I've never gotten the point of that, either.

Yep. Not only is this a commentary on how society tries to make everyone fit some standard of physical beauty, but some of the quoted lines here also focus on the whole thing of society trying to find ways to "better people's lives"-it reminds me a lot of those self-help hucksters you see on TV with those weird

Not really directing this post at this particular episode, as I know the message in it has much more powerful meanings, but your comment does bring up a trope that I've always been a little amused by whenever it shows up in stories about women who don't want to conform to a society. As noted in another post, it's

For want of a better estimate, let's call it the year 2000. At any rate, imagine a time in the future where science has developed a means of giving everyone the face and body he dreams of.

…my mom loves that song…

Oh, man, way to make me want a bowl of that cereal myself now…

Yes. One wrong move and suddenly you can find yourself in a courtroom staring down potential jail time.

Will do! Thanks for the suggestion-good to hear the show starts strong right off the bat.

I've heard so many good things about this series…it's another one I keep meaning to add to my "to check out" list. God, I just need, like, a month's worth of free time to even begin to try and catch up on discovering more shows.

Ahhh, okay, gotcha. That's right, I remember hearing a lot of good things about the film 'Capote' when that came out, now that you mention it. Don't know that I've heard too much about 'Infamous'. But now I'll add both to my "to watch" list for sure-thanks for the recommendations.

Indeed. I'm greatly envious of his writing skills, let's just put it that way. I'm obviously very familiar with his name, but this is making me even more curious to read more of his work.

Ooh, good to hear that…and wow. That sounds very interesting. Will be on the lookout for those as I keep reading. That's the thing that's striking me here-he writes about Perry and Dick in a way that makes you care about them, and have some sympathy for them…and then you hear about what the people who investigated the

Doesn't surprise me that "Hotel California" would be the big finale song, but yeah, "Take It to the Limit" was a pretty big song for them, too, so it should be at the very least part of the encore.

Whoa. That is freaky. Yikes. You almost want to know, and yet you don't want to know all at the same time.

I'm always happy when I stumble across a cable/network channel that still does that. It's nice to be able to find something other than informercials to watch in the middle of the night if you're a night owl sort (*Raises hand*) or an insomniac or working a graveyard shift somewhere where there's TV access or whatever.

I feel like I should be donning a priest robe right about now…

So fully agreed on this.

Oh, god, yeah, my family's had some charming experience getting stuck behind trucks while driving, too. I always sit there so tense and anxious when I watch them try and back out of or into a space. I'm just waiting for them to hit something/someone along the way. And when my family lived in Colorado, all I could

I haven't seen that, either, so we're in the same boat!

That's a good point, too. And yeah, sometimes all it takes is doing the thing you should've done originally to set things right, so if balance is restored at the end, then hey, success!