
That movie is so freaking creepy.

Honestly, it's stuff like what Zack talked about above that makes me scared to drive. So many lunatics on the road, and then I don't know if my reflexes would be quick enough to react in time, and then there's the fear I could screw up on the road somehow, too…

I say if their love was strong enough, they should have stayed a couple, superficial social norms be damned.

The hit-and-run was bad enough, but letting his office rival take the rap, too? The car showed a lot of restraint by just dropping Andrews off at the police station, after only giving him a dose of the terror his victim must have felt.

Yeah, my dad worked in radio for close to 30 years or so, and he saw all the changes as they were happening and I remember many, many rants from him about that stuff when I was younger. My dad was always a rebellious fighter type in general, though-he was more than happy to call out bullshit when he saw it. That

Ooh. I too would like to hear that (I forgot that Grohl sat in as drummer a time or two for these guys). Will have to look that up myself.

Haven't heard this particular interview, but I've always thought he came off as a pretty cool, likeable guy. Good to have that confirmed.

This is good to hear. Another thing to add to my "to listen to" list-thanks for the suggestion!

I love "Room at the Top". *Makes note to listen to that song at some point this evening*

The Last DJ holds a special spot for me because it makes me think of my dad. He agreed wholeheartedly with Tom's sentiments about radio-he constantly butted heads with the higher ups at the stations he worked at about the crap restrictions they tried to put on playlists, or the "automated" formats, or other lame stuff

Lucky you. Anytime I take the bus to work I get stuck listening to the local country station.

I'd shuffle a couple spots here and there, but overall, I can definitely go with this ranking.

I love that song, too.


God, I remember hearing "Mary Jane's Last Dance" all the freaking time on the radio when I was a kid (and I always associate it with wintertime, too, because it seemed anytime I heard that song on car trips, it was usually snowing). I've always loved that song. The video's great, too. Creepy, but great.

So much about that scene that's eerie-the stuff laid out as it is, that simple yet deeply painful note of hers, and the fact that it took a couple days before anyone knew she was gone.

I'd never heard the story about Inger Stevens-just looked it up on Wikipedia. Eesh. How freaky. And she was quite young, too. *Shakes head*

Oh, really? I can't remember if that was brought up in the story I saw or not-if it was, then I clearly forgot and stand corrected!

I like that. Funny how the simplest actions can spur the most unusual ideas sometimes, huh?

I like that theory. Like you said, it wouldn't always go over well, but yeah, if you put out how "odd" you are at the start it does kinda rob people of the chance to question you and be suspicious.