
Ha! You're right, she does sound Rocky-ish.

I just like the basic setup. Waking up in some random town where you can't find anyone around, and all you hear is the laughter of a child? That's a very interesting (and unsettling) idea to play around with. So many places you could go with that.

The discussion for "Spur of the Moment" should be really fun. So much to talk about with that episode. I like that that one seems to have a nice little fanbase on here, 'cause it really is a good episode.

I've got episodes of shows that are like that for me, too. It's great when a show can draw that kind of emotion out of you. And I can definitely see where this episode would be rather affecting in such a way.

I love this interpretation, too.

Yeah, I'd heard a little about that here and there…very awkward indeed, and they didn't even try to hide it. And then the conversations between the parents seems stilted as well at times-like there's occasional pauses here and there before they say their next line. Which, considering they're supposed to be furiously

Oh, really? Cool, yeah, it'll be nice to get a whole new perspective on that one, then. I'll be interested in hearing your thoughts when that one rolls around.

Oh, wow, I remember that show. Saw a few episodes of it here and there. Hollywood's dark side is always a fascinating subject to explore. Heartbreaking and chilling, sure, but still, it's interesting.

Exactly. The show took a sweet idea-a grandson having a close relationship with his grandmother-and made it this really fucked up thing. I love my family dearly, but ain't no way I'm killing myself to be with them once they've died.

I've heard about those, yeah.

That might be the one, then! It was on some show about tragic Hollywood stories or something like that-I was blanking on the name of the actress.

Oooh. That's freaky.

I liked "Stopover" for the most part, save for the ending. "You Drive" I like, though, simply because the theme itself is a creepy one. Again, I might've gone with a different ending for that one as well, but eh.

I'm looking forward to the discussion on "The Bewitchin' Pool". It's a very strangely done/acted episode, to say the least, it's probably among the most disliked of episodes for this series…and yet, the story idea itself isn't a bad one, one that, in better hands, could work.

If he does that, I'm going to picture him sitting at his computer doing some gangsta hand motion afterward.

I liked the deeply creepy and unnerving nature of that one with Billy Mumy myself, but I certainly understand where others might find it a bit much and TOO dark as well. It is nice to have a "Twilight Zone" episode every now and again that doesn't scare the ever-loving bejesus out of its character, or the audience.

Excellent point. I see what Zack is saying about the original ending having much more of an impact and delivering on the hints and ominous images given and shown throughout the episode.

For some reason that reminds me of the "Brady Bunch" episode where Bobby becomes fascinated with the outlaw Jesse James, and his parents and teacher are all really concerned about his idolization of the guy.

Ooh, this looks cool. I'll need to give it a look. Thanks for the link!

I'd watch this. Every week. No question.