
We're just trying to have a good time, narc. Don't commit your hate crimes here! HATE CRIME

Speaking of which, how 'bout that Genesis video with the Reagan puppet? That thing scared the shit out of me as a kid.

Illusionist got an A-.

This American Life episode
The "Break-Up" episode of This American Life, featuring Starlee Kine's piece, "Dr. Phil," has cemented Mr. Collins as A-OK in my book:

How much dildos in his face?

Maybe even Dracula will be there!

@Rainbow: I remember that episode, too (mostly because I thought it was awesome that her other request - besides Little Mermaid - was Beetlejuice), and it wasn't that she was "allowed" to watch movies. Her parents were going to go and rent a couple of movies for her, per her request because that's a nice thing to do

It's a little wild and a little straaaaaange when you make your home out on the raaaaaaange

I don't think it even occured to me growing up that Clarissa was a "girls' show." I was pretty into it, and I remember being psyched to see the set when I visited Universal Studios. Also, I remember thinking that Sam was kind of a sellout when he showed up with combed hair in the second (?) season.

That's a Wayne's World 2 reference, bitches.

Cookie Monster is not to be hit, he's to be hugged and (to a lesser extent) caressed.

I also kind of gave up on them when Blackout came out, but came back into the fold for Warrior's Code, which I like a lot. Digging the new one.

Barr is still the singer, and has been for albums 2-7.

Tiger blood
Tiger blood, Hooooooo!

Outsourced is garbage. Do not believe the lies.

"Enhance by 200 percent." I've never seen a CSI, but I assume this is the kind of dialogue that's spoken a lot.

He did say he'd dagger her. What do you think he said?

Sunny/annoying. She is loud, is all he way saying. (Plus, I think he was just fucking around.)

You mean the guy wearing a crown with a sword in his head? That's Kanye.

I was very surprised to see no mention above of Dig Me Out, Brighten the Corners, Portishead, Homogenic, or I Can Hear the Heart Beating as One. But I knew I could count on the ol' comments. (I dug on Perfect from Now On, too, but was into Keep it Like a Secret, from a couple years later, a lot more.)