
He is also awesome in Wayne's World and Tommy Boy.

Were those the last words Kitty ever heard?

@Leah: Celebrity guests who work with the Muppets often say that the characters are so "real" that it barely registered to them that they were doing a scene with a guy holding a puppet.

I think of lot of chefs regard pastry chefs as being beneath them/not making "real" food - or, at least, they generally don't understand desserts and how to make them. I guess that might account for not spending any time making cookies, like a lot of regular people do?

Sam was my favorite character on WW.

"Massive facial"
huh huh huh

Wow, I didn't know it wasn't on DVD. I've still got the (subtitled) VHS, bitches!

*thought Kunis WAS a wooden actor

Up until this point, it seemed to me that a live-action "Akira" would be a terrible idea, but I'd only really thought of it as an unncessary remake of the animated film. But thinking about pulling everything from the books rather than the original movie makes me a little more intrigued, if only for the prospect of

Yes, the complaints about Taymor being more interested in the mutant lady-villian she created than, y'know, Spider-Man, became much more plausible with news of this spider-ladies-stealing-shoes number. Jeebus.

There are already statues of the Blues Brothers at Midway. But yeah, Daley Plaza's a better place for them.

"Were it not for David Lynch, Miley never would have been Hannah Montana."


The idea that "Rand hates poor people," hyperbolic as that sentence sounds, is inherent in her philosophy.

I am married to a woman. Neither of us see other people, and I do not resent her or our marriage.

MPDGs: Great in movies, not so great in real life.

It's funny to see that so many have had the same experience with High Fidelity, because that was certainly the case for me. It makes sense that it'd be similar for lots of people, but when it came out (end of high school/beginning of college, for me), I was like, "Yes, this guy gets me! Pop culture is an important


*Hannah Montana movie

It seems like a very specific sketch. How much of SNL's regular audience knows that Miley Cyrus says "pretty cool" a lot? I mean, I guess you don't have to know that to find it funny, but I found it a little odd when I saw it.