
Cool…thanks, Santos.

I think the guy who played Josh got another gig, then came back sporadically. Then, not at all.

I found myself wondering who the hell Danny is while the reading this - and I'm a 30 Rock devotee. The fact that I had to Google it to remember is probably why he was banished to Dannyland (which may be near Joshland).

So, real-life Tracy and Grizz didn't need a telethon to obtain their kidneys? Where's the fun in that?

Hmm…never heard/thought of that. Either way, this new one would be at least the seventh.

6th Xmas release?
I believe this is probably the ninth or tenth Christmas EP, actually, consdering "Astral Inter Planet Space Captain Christmas Infinity" - which came out two years ago - was Volume 8. Although that one was never released officially. And volumes 6 and 7 never seemed to turn up on the internets.

Yeah - I mean, the idea of a serialized, live action drama about a superhero (that's not Smallville) has potential, but it looks pretty silly…

"The Cape"
Has anyone seen commercials for this show? What is its deal? It's going to be bad, right?

It's the Muppet Show, with our very special guest star, Mr. Steve Martin. Yaaaay!

Probably nearly anyone whose eaten at one of the contestant's restaurants could say this, but Spike opened his burger place (Good Stuff) while I still lived in DC, and it was amazing. I moved before his pizza place opened, but I've heard good things about that, too. So I haven't been surprised to see him doing well.

I've always found Stephen to be insufferable - as Skippy said, he almost seems like he's trying to parody clueless snobs. But actually, Scott's Wes Anderson analogy is helpful, and kind of makes me want to watch him a little more. That said, I'm not sad or surprised to see him go.

Segal sobbing that song was possibly my favorite moment of "Forgetting Sarah Marshall."

…probably for saying something about how illegals are destroying America.

It's funny how much more dated "Bad" sounds than "Thriller," or even "Off the Wall," considering chronology. But I guess you can blame that one on the 80s, rather than MJ.

Agreed, but I'm not sure "dynamic" is first on my list for (what will hopefully be) a thoughtful-discussion-of-movies show. It doesn't bode well that this random AP critic whose name I barely recognize is the other critic - and the one who got to stay, instead of be replaced.

Replacing Elvis Mitchell?
Boo to that. That is one thumb up I'll miss.

Yeah, which songs, exactly, are the "throwaway tracks" on Thriller?

A joke pairing Natalie Portman's character and Lynn Swann as "Black Swans" is lazy and obvious?

I'll give you that there's more chemistry between Jack and Liz than Jack and Avery, but I'm really happy with the Avery character. (At least, when compared to Selma Hayek's and Julianne Moore's characters.) I'm glad they've stuck with it, and I think Elizabeth Banks really has the chops for the show, which isn't

Yep, French kissed. I wonder if the 12 year old was impressed?