
I caught this at a film festival last year. Ethan Hawke is great. It still suffers from the "woman saves man" thing, but Carmen Ejogo really does the best she can with her role, which at first is interesting (is she real? a composite? Baker's ideal?) then kind of dissolves into the background. She attempts to get out

Right, but it used practical effects in tandem with CGI to create that terrifying illusion of reality. You're right, there's no wonder left.

I'm disappointed that the team here was like, "Yes, we want to keep the spirit of the original" which they thought meant the "amusement park gone wrong!" premise and not the use of practical effects. Also, the trailers for this look abysmal with the really insane amount of dead things. Just literally a shot of some

"Wah, wah, wah!" — Don Draper

There's evidence everywhere for it, if you want to argue that he did go back. He's reconciled his past and who he "is" and is moving forward, not at his own advice about forgetting the past but in the yogi's mantra of continuous reinvention. Every day is a gift. Let the love in. Work is just work.

Oh boy. I know they're classics or whatever but "Citizen Kane" and "Surprise Party" from early on. So good.

"Upon this rock I will build my church." Don meets a drifter, Don adopts the lifestyle.

This episode will get her an Emmy.

"Again, I don’t really know why we see that, or what it means. But I like that we see it." Cool, thanks for taking the time for some analysis.

I bought the last "gold box" set for super cheap on Amazon a couple years ago. Whoops.

Yes. Thank you. Reviewers seem to think his breakdown is totally unbelievable, but the writing has been on the wall the whole time, and we chose to ignore it because we love him as a wacky office pal, a comedy stereotype. This isn't that show. His breakdown in "The Runaways" made me reevaluate all his other actions,

Wasn't at all suggesting to discard culture consumed while young. Those are formative experiences. I still love a lot of what I listened to, but I don't like a lot of it, too. Tastes can change. It's weird if they never do, though. Most people don't tend to spend much time with people who share dissimilar tastes.

I'm with Marah and most of the other writers up there. Avoiding new experiences and savoring nostalgia for when your brain was 16 years old: probably not good, especially for someone who has yet to even enter middle age. My relationships with these people aren't "dealbreakers" because I'm an adult with things to worry

I watched this on Amazon and my computer did a weird thing when he drunkenly talked to the LeaseTech guy. Can anyone elaborate?

Is this a spoiler? I don't know. But I love how Mad Men uses defunct companies relative to characters' desperation. BurgerChef folded into Hardee's. LeaseTech (Google says the company exists and it does what homeboy said, still, in 2014) aimed to compete against IBM, which is ubiquitous. The world hangs in the balance

a "having a baby" arc in a show that already had "will they or won't they" and "let's get married" arcs doesn't signal an end of feminism. it's offensive to imply that motherhood is anti-feminist. if anything, the writers are losing steam by focusing so squarely on the couple (like in The Office — how long do we care

Don to Joan: "Don't you feel 300 pounds lighter?"

Harry gave Kinsey a Don-like "you'll forget about this" speech.

Harry gave Kinsey a Don-like "you'll forget about this" speech.