
I thought it was made up too, and then one day I was in a video store, and I saw it, and things were never the same.

I thought it was made up too, and then one day I was in a video store, and I saw it, and things were never the same.

I too was waiting for the moment when Louie took a good thing and ruins it with awkwardness. I knew it was coming, and yet I sincerely didn't want it to. I thought, "fuck, wouldn't it be great if there was just one episode where he can just have a good time and be happy?" It would have been such a change of pace for

I too was waiting for the moment when Louie took a good thing and ruins it with awkwardness. I knew it was coming, and yet I sincerely didn't want it to. I thought, "fuck, wouldn't it be great if there was just one episode where he can just have a good time and be happy?" It would have been such a change of pace for

You know the saying: Rhubarb red, eat away! Rhubarb green, don't eat them!

I love you, Paw!


Shane's not a sociopath. I think he genuinely loves Lori, for reasons that escape me, and I think he genuinely wants to do what's best for the group. But he's also willing to do whatever he needs to to get what he wants. And he's… got some issues.

His name is Alex.


How has no one said this yet? It's going to be the most hated character on the show:
Troy. Nobody likes Troy.

FACT: in every fake-gun related shooting, the victim is always the one with the fake gun.

Last week's episode was probably my favorite episode of the season behind El Contador. This episode fell flat for me. Or maybe I just love Babou too much.

I just noticed that it is, in fact, the same thing the voice-over is saying.

It said: "The in-dash bar is to be stocked with non-alcoholic beverages only. Dodge cannot stress this enough. Never ever ever drink and drive." It's not a funny easter egg or anything. I imagine it was a requirement from Dodge's product placement, for insurance reasons or whatever.

I've seen that look. Don't even THINK about jumping for that train.

I think you're being too harsh on the book. Despite its annoying precociousness and gimmicks, I found it pretty moving. But then again, I read it when I was 17, so… take that with a grain of salt.

I don't want to admit it, but hating things is fun.


Are you insulting William H. Macy? Huh? Are you? I'LL CUT YOUR PRETTY FACE!!!