
That is a goddamn brilliant quote. Someone get this young man a twitter account!

I read the book when I was 18. It's pretentious and gimmicky, but not entirely bad. In fact, I liked it when I read it. But I'm not about to open it again, and I'm sure as shit not gonna see the movie. (Okay, I might see the movie, but I'm not paying for it.)

The book had its gimmicks and its flaws, but I liked it. When I saw the trailer, however, my immediate reaction was: Oh fuck. Oh god no. No no no no no.

The only part that made me cry in Blood Meridian was when the guy shoots the dancing bear at the end. And that's a book chock-full of horror and sadness.

I also thought that was really sweet. Of course he thinks she was the prettiest and most popular girl girl in HS.

I too found it similar in theme to the best of his earlier stuff, but he did it so well I can forgive it.

Way better than Chewed Up, in my opinion. Like Domino88 said, it was no Hilarious, but it was pretty damn good.

The whole "Clifford the Big Red Dog" bit about how having children is boring is awesome.

I torrent everything. EVERYTHING. I know it's wrong but I do it anyway because I don't have much disposable income and, like Louis, I have morals that exist up until I want something.  I wanted this, but for some weird reason I bought it. I paid $5 for it. Partially because the price was good, and partially because he

Put the fear of God into them. When we paint a 200 foot Abed with flaming eyes on the side of their building they'll realize we mean business.

The super soaker was used in an old episode, I'm pretty sure. One of those last-minute Troy and Abed bits that play over the credits. T&A were going to play super-soakers, and Pierce came up and squirted them in the eyes with pepper water. Damned if I can remember what episode though.

The delivery of "Oh, Britta's in this?" was priceless.

Tell me how to get this laid back, or I'll kill your families!

It's definitely Annie's Boobs. Stream the episode or buy/borrow a DVD and check it out again. It's so goddamn subtle it's easy to miss, but that's a monkey's hand without a doubt. :43 seconds in.

That line was so perfect and unexpected.

I loved Britta's "Me so Christmas, me so merry!"

I agree with you.

I swear to god I'm going to get that put on a bumper sticker if it's the last thing I do.

Well, you got mad when I called you "quadroon."

i don't need a title to feel special
Eh, you know what, Miley wasn't terrible. She wasn't great, but she wasn't terrible. I found it hard to hate her. Let the young girl do mediocre TV. More power to her.