
Agreed on the age thing. It's inaccurate casting but I wouldn't give Winslet and Thompson up either.

I COMPLETELY forgot about that one!

Joe Wright really did a lovely job with it. My hopes for his Pan are not high though.

I agree that the Ehle/Firth is more faithful to the novel, but like you said - the Knightley/McFayden is better as a film.

I honestly haven't seen this film since probably 1997, and while not much stuck with me, I do recall enjoying it at the time.

Finished watching season one. So fresh and funny, and Tituss Burgess is a national treasure.

I thought he was one of the strongest elements of the season, with a good bit of potential that went unused. It was gratifying to see a character who could play and compete on Frank's level, but I wish they had taken it even further. This show needs to embrace its tendency to go over the top operatic. I kept thinking

I'll bring the wine.

Thanks to a snow day, I had some extra pop culture time this week.

"The Secret Life of Buddy & Sally" is one of my favorite episodes. Of course, being a lodge entertainer sounds heavenly to me.

Whiplash - I'm only sorry it took me this long to get around to this incredible film. Sensational performances all around - especially J.K. Simmons, who absolutely burns the screen alive. Extraordinary editing as well. Birdman was certainly brilliant in its way, but I think Whiplash will have a far longer life.

Second that motion

Franko, have you read the other book the script was based on?

I've always preferred The Towering Inferno to Airport.

This is making me want to pull out my Dick Van Dyke Show book. I remember many freshman college afternoons reading it in the student union cafe.

Caroline Appleby stirred the biggest pots of them all.

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the hottest prince of them all.

I seem to remember "Empress Carlotta's Necklace" being one of my favorite episodes when I mainlined Nick at Nite as a child. Which reminds me, I must now find my copy of that Classic TV Companion.

DVRd this, and can't wait to watch. Am I imagining this, or was it odd at the time that even the interiors were only filmed with natural or candlelight?

Iced in for most of the week, so it was movie time.