
Made it through Valentine's weekend…

Whenever anyone mentions Shannon Tweed, I think of Andrew Stevens. Which does not upset me.

As a child growing up in the 80s, I always thought of CBS Television City as this marvelous municipality where people like Bob Barker, Stephanie Zimbalist, Angela Lansbury and Robert Wagner roamed the streets. Surely I'm not the only one?

very true. Well, that and the "What are we now, King Lear?" line.

I was genuinely shocked at how well - for Glee, at least - these two episodes worked. It has been such a chore to watch this show for the last two seasons, but I was impressed last night. Granted, you could drive about five Macy's parades through the narrative structure that is Glee, but the songs all worked and the

Franko, thank you for this series. It's given me a whole new appreciation for DW. Looking forward to your Academy Awards edition and future Thoughts On. Also, I've been going back and am loving your Golden Girls editions.

I'd have to add The One Where Ross Got High to this list. For my money, it's the best Thanksgiving episode they did. You had all six together, plus the Gellar parents, and the show is a riot from start to finish.

hear hear!

I don't think it's going to take Picture. A nomination, yes. That being said I found it very well done. I kept thinking "handsomely mounted" all throughout.

I rather enjoyed Big Eyes - more than I expected to, based on Burton's recent output. What I enjoyed was that he wasn't trying to out-Burton Burton and seemed to be focused on telling this quirky, American story. Amy Adams was lovely. Christoph Waltz was over the top and seemed to be acting on a different planet, but

you better believe it. And while it's not a great film, I don't think he ever looked hotter than he did in Love and Other Drugs.

I really need to correct my Romancing the Stone/Jewel of the Nile blindspot.

Homeland Season 3:
I'm still enjoying the show, but most of what I've read I seem to be in line with. It just feels like it's lost its way a bit in season 3, and the show writers are way too attached to the Brodys. Still, Claire Danes is doing her standard stellar work, and I'm loving Peter Quinn. Have two more eps to

This latter problem is one I share with you. In fact, I have The Big Sleep on there right now, and every time I go to my DVR, I scroll right past it, like "No, not tonight."

I'd really like to make more time for reading. To that end, I've got Station Eleven, Big Little Lies, All The Light We Cannot See, Fosse, How Star Wars Conquered the Universe, Telegraph Avenue and several Ken Follett doorstops lined up at home.

I'd have to agree. It's just perfection. The only thing that I have a slight quibble with is the space-age production on Somewhere. I get why it was done, but it doesn't completely gel with the feel of the rest of the album, and it's the one element that isn't timeless.

I ADORE The King and I. It's a film I can easily get lost in. Love Moreno as Tuptim.

somehow I missed her talking about The King and I.

If I Loved You was my go-to audition song several years ago. Just a gorgeous, gorgeous melody and lyric. I remember the first time I was every truly bowled over by it - sitting in a music appreciation class in my freshman year of college, the professor puts on Barbra's drop dead beautiful version of it. I was stunned.

Can't argue there. Sondheim on a bad day is better than many lyricists and composers on a great day. I imagined he was kept reigned in a bit as well.