
Spoiler alert?
Haven't seen the movie but, now I kinda wanna know…

The ol' Shyamalan twist!
Gets me every time.

Sizzler and Sizzurp

Bison and Box Wine

Robot Voice: "You didn't try the dish did you."
Seth Galifianakis Voice: "No, that's what I'm saying, I…"
Robot Voice: "You can't pass judgement. That's how I feel about this."

Just saw it
I liked it, my roommate didn't. We were both stoned. It is pretty much a kid's film. If you were a kid that played with lego, or action figures, and had them jump all over the tables and kitchen counter and kill each other with silverware, you'll like it. The action scenes are well done, and there's so

Here's the Ashley theories we have so far:
She is the love child of Beck and John C. Reilly
She is the love child of Jake Gyllenhaal and Maggie Gyllenhaal
She is the love child of Trey Parker and Matt Stone

Tom's crooked sunglasses
Were driving me crazy. Is one of his ears one inch higher than the other, or is he sunglass shopping at truck stops?

Andy's speech
…was a long time coming, and the fact that it could have been delivered pretty much any time this whole season accounted for the fact that my Roomie actually yelled "Finally!" at the TV when it was done. I agreed. Holy shit, this show has gone off the rails into Who Gives A Fuck territory, and it's only

Cat's Cradle is his best, IMO. I'd put that next on the list if I were you. It's one of those books you can read in one sitting, and re-read any time, and always find something new and amazing (as corny as that sounds). The man was a genius.

His 5-second tour of MSPC (including his wordless Ryan reaction) was fantastic.

…and that Michael spent his remaining years and money turning himself into something resembling E.T.'s older, meth-addicted brother?

Yeah, it crashed my computer here at work. I guess that's what I get for trying to play fancy 3-d shooter games while on the clock. It's just that most of the game sites are blocked here!

I remember following the "StinkyMeat" project closely as it was rolled out. Along with the also-gone Mr. Wong cartoon from Icebox.com, TheSpark was the highlight of my mornings back in those days. Oh, shit! And Napster! That was when Napster was the coolest fucking thing ever!

In Bruges. Great movie, bad experience:

B for Vendetta all the way

The butt-rub never fails to make the ladies swoon!

But the bald head has nothing to prevent the parade of sweat beads from marching down and dripping from the brow! This really seemed to be a problem for Hosea last night. That slow pan from the peak of his noggin down to him prepping food made me wonder if it is possible for his sweat to over-season his dish.

Jacques-Imo's served up the best meal I've eaten in two years. That place is awesome. Anytime I hear of anyone going to NOLA, I tell them they MUST eat there (and nevermind the wait, that's what the Maple Leaf is for).

New rule for the Top Chef drinking game: "B for Vendetta" - any time The Bald Guys bitch about each other (Hosea mentions that he wants to kick Stephan's ass; Stephan says Hosea is a wimp), that's a drink.