
Also, I'd love to see the Cheftestants grab a burger at Port of Call. Holy crap that place gives In-n-Out a run for its money.

Leah's boobs and Padma's fantastic nipples really took the show into new territory. After upping the ante like this, I expect skinemax-style soft porn next season.

I'd need a twlever of Fat Tire to take me through the meal.
For a starter, Shrimp and Alligator Sausage Cheesecake from Jaques Imo's.
Then, a Double-Double.
Next, I'd have my dad chef me up a 6oz prime filet (rare to medium rare) with his Au Poivre sauce, with some carrots vichy and a pile of mashed potatoes on the side.

Listen, I gotta ask…
Which came first, the Dufresne, or the Carla?

Listen, I gotta ask…
Which came first, the Dufresne, or the Carla?

(shakes fist in air)

Monogram, Sidekick, Glad Family of Products.
Le Bernadin, Le Bernadin, Le Bernadin, Ripert's cookbook.

Now I wanna see Being There again, then follow it up with that delightful underdog comedy "Angus" featuring that one Green Day song!

For real, though, does Oregon Trail still exist on the internet somewhere? Maybe in the same place they keep Word Muncher and the game where you're a fish trying to get by.

As an employee of an office who has gotten written up for some of the lamest crap EVER, I had a tough time with the fact that Dwight was still employed by the end of the episode. I've seen the British version, and only started watching the U.S. Office this season, so the whole time I was asking my hardcore

Esteban was eaten.

Leah is a stoner. If I took a swig every time she said "like" I would die from alcohol poisoning before the second commercial break.

Leah is a stoner. I I took a swig every time she said "like" I would die from alcohol poisoning before the second commercial break.

I have to fast-forward past that Millionaire Matchmaker lady or I puke.

And then all Jeff does is repeat "Bunky bed." This was such a hilarious episode. Now Fabio can sleep on the bottom bunky!

Toby does an extended metaphorical insult
Tom makes that "You're doing what?" face during a kitchen walkthrough
Trio of anything
Padma's scar catches the camera lights
"This is Top Chef, not Top _____"
Blatant product placement (Thank you Glad, Whole Foods, Toyota, Quaker, The Sidekick, etc…)
A bad word gets bleeped out

New drinking rule:
If anything is done "Top Chef Style," that's a drink.

Ob la di, ob la da, life goes onnnnnnnn

It's oat…crazy…
Did anyone else shoot beer out of their nose when Jeff said his dish was "…oat…crazy…" in the saddest Eeore voice ever?
He's usually only ever slightly cocky or Keanu-Reeves clueless. He sounded like Tim from "The Life and Times of Tim" tonight.

This has been a recurring theme throughout the years. There is always one chef who, on day one, states their culinary specialty (sometimes linked to their ethnic heritage, sometimes not), and then proudly tells the camera that they will be "trying to get away" from being typecast as someone who always cooks that kind